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1- Aeronautics
אירונאוטיקס בע"מ

An Israeli company that develop, manufactures and markets Unmanned Aerial vehicles (UAV) and aerial intelligence and surveillance ...

2- Almog C.D.A.Y
אלמוג כ.ד.א.י.

A private Israeli development and construction company. The company constructed Almog Center, a commercial center in the settle...

3- Amir Marketing and Investments in Agriculture
עמיר שיווק והשקעות בחקלאות בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli company that supplies, imports and markets agricultural products, and manufactures food blends for Farm ...

4- Amisragas, American Israeli Gas Crop.
אמישראגז - החברה האמריקאית הישראלית לגז

Gas manufacturer and supplier. The company operates branches in the settlements of Ariel and Kiryat Arba'a, both located in...

5- Angel Bakeries (Salomon A. Angel)
מאפיות אנג'ל (שלמה א. אנג'ל בע"מ)

A publicly traded Israeli manufacturer and supplier of bread and pastry products. The company operates bakeries in various sett...

6- Aroma Espresso Bar
ארומה אספרסו בר

A private Israeli chain of coffee shops. The company operates branches in the US, Canada, Cyprus, the Ukraine and Kazakhstan. T...

7- Ashdar Building Company

A construction company, which develops, builds and markets residential neighborhoods. Ashdar also rents office and industrial spac...

8- Avisror Moshe & Sons
אביסרור משה ובניו

A private Israeli construction and real estate company. The company is involved in two construction projects in Har Homa settle...

9- B. Gaon Holdings
ב.גאון אחזקות בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli holdings corporation specializing in water and gas distribution, sewage treatment, desalination and fire...

10- Bank of Jerusalem
בנק ירושלים בע"מ

An Israeli commercial bank that provides a variety of banking and financial services. Jerusalem Bank provides financial fou...

11- Baran Group
קבוצת ברן בע"מ

Baran Group is a publicly-traded Israeli civil engineering, technology, telecommunication and construction solution provider with ...

12- C. Mer Group
ח.מר תעשיות בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli company specializing in Homeland Security (HLS), Cyber and Intelligence, Communication Infrastructure an...

13- Cafe Cafe
קפה קפה

A chain of Café- restaurants The company operates branches in the following settlements in the West Bank: Almog, Jordan ...

14- Covenant Group
קובננט גרופ

A  holding group of companies specializing mainly in engineering and civil engineering. Through its subsidiary Shachaf Has...

15- Dan Public Transportation Company
דן חברה לתחבורה ציבורית בע"מ

A private Israeli transportation company that operates public bus services. The company is also active in the real estate sector a...

16- Dekel Acher Construction and Investments
דקל א.ח.ר בינוי והשקעות בע"מ

A private company that specializes in housing projects, commercial projects and tourism. The company is involved in several con...

17- Dexcel Pharma Technologies
דקסל פארמה טכנולוגיות

An international research-based pharmaceutical company, specializing in products for the treatment of gastroenterological, ca...

18- Dona Engineering and Construction
דונה חברה לבנין והנדסה

A private Israeli construction and development company that initiates and carries out housing projects in settlements in the occup...

19- Energix Renewable Energies
אנרג׳יקס אנרגיות מתחדשות בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli company active in the field of renewable energy. The company has several renewable energy projects in...

20- Enlight Renewable Energy
אנלייט אנרגיה מתחדשת בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli company specializing in the development, design, construction, financing and operation of renewable ener...