Covenant Group

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קובננט גרופ

A  holding group of companies specializing mainly in engineering and civil engineering.

Through its subsidiary Shachaf Hasharon Investments & Finance, the company is involved in initiating and constructing commercial and industrial areas in Moshav Mevo Horon, an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank located near the Palestinian village of Beit Ligya. This project includes planning and construction on 303 dunams in the Mevo Horon commercial area, 100 dunams of plots, and a new urban building plan for the area's new facilities.

G Infinity Promotion and Investment, another full subsidiary of the Group, buildt income-generating property on an area of 12,000 sqm in the Barkan industrial zone, which is an Israeli settlement in the West Bank.

Electra Infrastructure, a 49% subsidiary of the Covenant Group, was contracted by Israeli Railways to build tunnel 3A in section D of the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem Fast Train (A1), which passes through occupied Palestinian land. In February 2015, Electra and Electra Infrastructure won a tender for the construction and maintenance of the track and electronic systems of the Tel Aviv- Jerusalem A1 train.

The A1 train route crosses the green line into the occupied West Bank in two areas, using occupied Palestinian land, some of it privately owned, for an Israeli transportation project aimed exclusively for Israelis.

Electra Infrastructure also built vehicle tunnels in a road next to the settlement of Nili.

Ben Hasharon, a 80% subsidiary of Electra Infrastructure, had been contracted to carry out the planning and physical development of the expansion of the Barkan industrial zone southern section. This project includes 300 dunams, 135 of which are designated for industrial plots. The company's activity also serves the Samaria Development Co. through constructing roads and large-scale quarrying in the Barkan stone quarry, establishing infrastructure systems, developing roads and plots, a project of 27 million USD (100 million NIS). The quarrying of Palestinian non-renewable natural resources for Israeli needs is another form of illegal exploitation.

In addition , the company's subsidiary Etz Efraim In Momentum is involved in both the planning and implementation of development and construction work on a scale of around 300 single-family homes in Etz Efraim, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank. The project includes urban building plan processes, detailed planning of the infrastructure systems including public areas, and marketing the developed plots for private construction.