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Company Name Traded In Main Headquarters Description
41 Mei-Tal Engineering and Services
מי-טל הנדסה ושירותים
Private Israel A private Israeli construction company. The company is involved in two construction projects in Har Homa settlement neighborhoo...
42 Meitarim Quarry
קבוצת אורון
TASE Israel The company is active in the field of civil engineering and development. The Group manages several companies and subsidiaries in t...
43 Menorah Mivtahim Holdings
מנורה מבטחים אחזקות בע"מ
TASE, Public Israel A publicly-traded Israeli company operating in the all fields relating to life insurance, pension, general insurance and health in...
44 Minrav Group
קבוצת מנרב
TASE Israel A group of companies specializing in construction and engineering services, managed by the publicly traded Israeli company Minrav ...
45 Mishkan Eliyahu Construction and Investment Company
משכן אליהו חברה לבנייה והשקעות
Private Israel A private Israeli development and construction company. Mishkan Eliyahu builds housing and commercial projects in settlements i...
46 Mizrahi Tefahot Bank
בנק מזרחי טפחות
TASE Israel, Mexico, Occupied Palestinian Territory An Israeli commercial bank. The bank accompanies construction projects in settlements constructed on occupied Palestinian terri...
47 Mordechai Aviv Construction Industries
מרדכי אביב תעשיות בניה
TASE Israel A development and construction company. The company constructs several housing projects in settlements in the West Bank, includ...
48 Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises
נשר מפעלי מלט ישראליים
Private Israel A private Israeli manufacturer and supplier of cement and clinker products for the construction industry. Until September ...
49 Nof Yam Security
נוף ים בטחון
Private Israel A private Israeli security company. The company won an Israeli Ministry of Defense tender to provide security to settlements in...
50 Peled - Klein Civil Engineering
פלד-קליין הנדסה אזרחית
Private Israel A private Israeli company providing civil engineering services beyond the Green Line. The company has been involved in the plan...
51 Peretz Bonei Hanegev
פרץ בוני הנגב
Private Israel A private Israeli company specializing in construction and real estate. The company built and marketed a residential project in...
52 Peretz Sela Civil Engineering
פרץ סלע הנדסה אזרחית
Private Israel A private Israeli company specializing in road construction. The company has been involved in the construction of two sections ...
53 RE/MAX Holdings
רימקס אחזקות
NYSE USA An American multinational real estate company. The Israeli franchise - RE/MAX Israel, operates a licensed&n...
54 REMAX Israel (Impact Property Developers)
(רימקס ישראל (אימפקט פיתוח נכסים
Private Israel A private Israeli company that holds the Israeli franchise of the global US-based real estate brokerage network RE/MAX. The com...
55 Reshef Security
רשף ביטחון
Private, Subsidiary of Public Israel A private Israeli provider of electronic surveillance and physical security services. The company holds an estimated 5% of the Isr...
56 SA.D.R. Construction Works Co.
סא.ד.ר. חברה לעבודות בניין
Private Occupied Palestinian Territory A development and construction company, based in the settlement of Adam (Geva Binyamin) in the West Bank. The company...
57 Shapir Engineering and Industry
שפיר הנדסה ותעשיה בע"מ
TASE Israel A public Israeli company specializing in infrastructure, Franchise, industry and real estate. The company operates the Natuf qu...
58 Shikun & Binui Group
שיכון ובינוי בע”מ
TASE Israel A publicly-traded Israeli infrastructure and real estate company involved in various fields, including infrastructure, real estate...
59 Shlomo Cohen Construction Company
שלמה כהן חברה לבניין
Private Israel A private construction company. The company is currently involved in the construction of a new housing project in the settlemen...
60 Super Pharm (Israel)
סופר פארם
Private Israel An Israeli drug store chain. The company operates branches in the settlement of Maaleh Adumim in the occupied West Bank, and th...