Company Name | Traded In | Main Headquarters | Description | |
41 | Mei-Tal Engineering and Services מי-טל הנדסה ושירותים |
Private | Israel | A private Israeli construction company. The company is involved in two construction projects in Har Homa settlement neighborhoo... |
42 | Meitarim Quarry קבוצת אורון |
TASE | Israel | The company is active in the field of civil engineering and development. The Group manages several companies and subsidiaries in t... |
43 | Menorah Mivtahim Holdings מנורה מבטחים אחזקות בע"מ |
TASE, Public | Israel | A publicly-traded Israeli company operating in the all fields relating to life insurance, pension, general insurance and health in... |
44 | Minrav Group קבוצת מנרב |
TASE | Israel | A group of companies specializing in construction and engineering services, managed by the publicly traded Israeli company Minrav ... |
45 | Mishkan Eliyahu Construction and Investment Company משכן אליהו חברה לבנייה והשקעות |
Private | Israel | A private Israeli development and construction company. Mishkan Eliyahu builds housing and commercial projects in settlements i... |
46 | Mizrahi Tefahot Bank בנק מזרחי טפחות |
TASE | Israel, Mexico, Occupied Palestinian Territory | An Israeli commercial bank. The bank accompanies construction projects in settlements constructed on occupied Palestinian terri... |
47 | Mordechai Aviv Construction Industries מרדכי אביב תעשיות בניה |
TASE | Israel | A development and construction company. The company constructs several housing projects in settlements in the West Bank, includ... |
48 | Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises נשר מפעלי מלט ישראליים |
Private | Israel | A private Israeli manufacturer and supplier of cement and clinker products for the construction industry. Until September ... |
49 | Nof Yam Security נוף ים בטחון |
Private | Israel | A private Israeli security company. The company won an Israeli Ministry of Defense tender to provide security to settlements in... |
50 | Peled - Klein Civil Engineering פלד-קליין הנדסה אזרחית |
Private | Israel | A private Israeli company providing civil engineering services beyond the Green Line. The company has been involved in the plan... |
51 | Peretz Bonei Hanegev פרץ בוני הנגב |
Private | Israel | A private Israeli company specializing in construction and real estate. The company built and marketed a residential project in... |
52 | Peretz Sela Civil Engineering פרץ סלע הנדסה אזרחית |
Private | Israel | A private Israeli company specializing in road construction. The company has been involved in the construction of two sections ... |
53 | RE/MAX Holdings רימקס אחזקות |
NYSE | USA | An American multinational real estate company. The Israeli franchise - RE/MAX Israel, operates a licensed&n... |
54 | REMAX Israel (Impact Property Developers) (רימקס ישראל (אימפקט פיתוח נכסים |
Private | Israel | A private Israeli company that holds the Israeli franchise of the global US-based real estate brokerage network RE/MAX. The com... |
55 | Reshef Security רשף ביטחון |
Private, Subsidiary of Public | Israel | A private Israeli provider of electronic surveillance and physical security services. The company holds an estimated 5% of the Isr... |
56 | SA.D.R. Construction Works Co. סא.ד.ר. חברה לעבודות בניין |
Private | Occupied Palestinian Territory | A development and construction company, based in the settlement of Adam (Geva Binyamin) in the West Bank. The company... |
57 | Shapir Engineering and Industry שפיר הנדסה ותעשיה בע"מ |
TASE | Israel | A public Israeli company specializing in infrastructure, Franchise, industry and real estate. The company operates the Natuf qu... |
58 | Shikun & Binui Group שיכון ובינוי בע”מ |
TASE | Israel | A publicly-traded Israeli infrastructure and real estate company involved in various fields, including infrastructure, real estate... |
59 | Shlomo Cohen Construction Company שלמה כהן חברה לבניין |
Private | Israel | A private construction company. The company is currently involved in the construction of a new housing project in the settlemen... |
60 | Super Pharm (Israel) סופר פארם |
Private | Israel | An Israeli drug store chain. The company operates branches in the settlement of Maaleh Adumim in the occupied West Bank, and th... |