Mishkan Eliyahu Construction and Investment Company

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משכן אליהו חברה לבנייה והשקעות

A private Israeli development and construction company.

Mishkan Eliyahu builds housing and commercial projects in settlements in the West Bank and in settlement neighborhoods in East Jerusalem.

The company won a tender of NIS 1.88 million with development expenses of NIS 4.97 million to build a 24 housing units' project on a land of 1,933 m2 in the center of the settlement of Beitar Illit in July 2014. The project is executed in accordance with Urban Construction Plan no. 426/8, which refers to the lands of the Palestinian villages Wadi Fukhin, Hussan and Nahalin. The project, which is currently under construction, is also part of the Israeli government's program: "Price for residents" (Mehir Lamishtaken) that offers low cost housing.

Hapoalim bank provides financial accompaniment to this project.

Mishkan Eliyahu won a tender of NIS 1.89 million with development expenses of NIS 4.9 million to build 24 housing units on a land of 3,695 m2 in Givat Hatamar in Efrat in July 2014. The "Open" project is currently under construction.

Hapoalim bank provides financial accompaniment to this project.

The company is also building a commercial center of 3000 m2 in the settlement of Efrat.

Over the years, Mishkan Elyahu had completed the construction of the following construction projects in West Bank and East Jerusalem settlements:

The "village" project of cottage houses in the settlement neighborhood of Pisgat Ze'ev; two housing projects of 24 apartments each in Beitar Illit, one of which is executed in the framework of "Mehir Lemishtaken"; a commercial center in Ma'ale Adumim; a project in the settlement neighborhood of Neve Ya'akov.