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Search Results: East Jerusalem
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Company Name Traded In Main Headquarters Description
81 Haim Zaken Construction and Investments
חיים זקן בניין והשקעות
Private Israel An Israeli construction and development company predominantly active beyond the Green Line. The company constructed multiple housi...
82 Hapoalim Bank
בנק הפועלים
TASE Israel One of the largest Israeli commercial banks. Financing construction in illegal settlements and settlement infrastructure projec...
83 Harel Insurance Investments and Financial Services
הראל השקעות בביטוח ושירותים פיננסיים בע"מ
TASE Israel A publicly-traded Israeli insurance company operating in the fields of health insurance, non-life insurance, life insurance, pensi...
84 Hasid Brothers Building Contracting Co. Ltd
אחים חסיד חברה קבלנית לבניה בע"מ
Private Israel A private Israeli construction company. The company builds residential and commercial projects in West Bank and East Jerusalem set...
85 HD Hyundai
KRX South Korea HD Hyundai Co. is a Korea-based holding company engaged in the fields of Construction Machinery, Oil Refinery, Electric and Electr...
86 Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)
NYSE USA Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (HPE) is an American multinational information technology provider. Hewlett Packard Enterpri...
87 Hidromek
Private Turkey A private Turkish company that manufactures and markets hydraulic work machines. Machinery manufactured by the company was used...
88 Hitachi
TYO Japan A publicly traded Japanese electronics corporation operating in the fields of infrastructure, medical and industrial equipment, co...
89 Hot Mobile (formerly: Mirs Communications)
(הוט מובייל (לשעבר מירס תקשורת
Private, Subsidiary of Public Israel An Israeli provider of wireless cellular communication services. Since 2002, Hot Mobile (formerly MIRS), holds an ICA permit to...
90 Human Safety Company for Accidents Investigation & Prevention (Bitihut Enosh)
בטיחות אנוש החברה לחקירת תאונות ומניעתן
Private Israel Between 2013 and 2015, the Israeli National Insurance (Israel's national social security agency) contracted the company and Mo...
91 IBM
NYSE, NYSE Chicago USA IBM, International Business Machines Corporation, is an American multinational technology corporation, one of the world&rsquo...
92 Ineco
Public Spain Ineco is a Spanish infrastructure engineering and consultancy company providing services for the management of transport systems i...
93 Itzkin Eyal Architects
איצקין איל אדריכלים
Private Israel An architecture firm. The company has been planning various construction projects in dozens of settlements. Up until December 2...
94 JCB (JC Bamford Excavators)
Private UK JC Bamford Excavators Limited (JCB) is a British multinational manufacturer of equipment for construction, agriculture, waste hand...
95 Jerusalem Bank
בנק ירושלים
TASE Israel An Israeli commercial bank. In 2021 and 2019, the bank accompanied the company Shlomo Cohen in its project in the settlement ...
96 Jerusalem Winery
יקבי ירושלים – אגודה חקלאית שיתופית בע"מ
Cooperative Occupied Palestinian Territory Jerusalem Winery - Agricultural Cooperative Association is an Israeli winery based in the Atarot settlement industrial zone i...
97 Joe Gourmet Coffee
ג'ו קפה גורמה
Private Israel A private Israeli chain of coffee shops. Joe Gourmet Coffee holds branches in Delek gas stations and Menta convenience stores a...
98 KalRam Yacobowitz
קל-רם יעקובוביץ
Private Israel Kalram is a global manufacturer and developer of advanced fencing systems and access control The company develops and creates a...
99 Kardan NV
TASE, Euronext Netherlands A Netherlands-based investment group active in the sectors of real estate, water infrastructure and financial services. Company...
100 Kass Group (Kass – C)
קס גרופ (קאסס – סי בע"מ
Private Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory A private Israeli investment group which carries out real estate, infrastructure and technology projects in Israel, the occupied P...