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Company Name Traded In Main Headquarters Description
1 Afek Oil and Gaz
אפק נפט וגז בע"מ
Private, Subsidiary of Public Israel An Israeli oil and gas exploration company (previously named Genie Israel Oil and Gas). On 21 February 2013, the oil council of...
2 Amisragas, American Israeli Gas Crop.
אמישראגז - החברה האמריקאית הישראלית לגז
Private Israel Gas manufacturer and supplier. The company operates branches in the settlements of Ariel and Kiryat Arba'a, both located in...
3 Aqwise- Wise Water Technologies
אקוויז- טכנולוגיות מים חכמות
Private Israel A global provider of biological wastewater treatment and reuse solutions, as well as water remediation technologies. The compan...
4 B. Gaon Holdings
ב.גאון אחזקות בע"מ
TASE, Public Israel A publicly traded Israeli holdings corporation specializing in water and gas distribution, sewage treatment, desalination and fire...
5 B.D.T.H Israel Solar Energy Ltd.
ב.ד.ט.ח אנרגיה סולארית לישראל בע"מ
Private Founded in 2010, the company constructs and installs commercial and residential solar fields. In September 2018, the company wo...
6 CETCO Mineral Technology Group
NASDAQ USA A US based public company that develops, produces and markets mineral-based and synthetic mineral products and related systems and...
7 Delek Israel Fuel Company Ltd.
דלק חברת הדלק הישראלית בע"מ
Private Israel A private Israeli Company founded in 1951, active in the field of gas and fuel. The company operates fuel and service stations and...
8 Dor Alon Energy Israel (1988) Ltd.
דור אלון אנרגיה בישראל (1988) בע"מ
TASE Israel A public Israeli gas and petroleum company. The company is engaged in the development, establishment and operation of gas stations...
9 F.K. Generators and Equipment
פ.ק. גנרטורים וציוד
Private Israel A private Israel-based global supplier of power solutions and power plants. The company supplied generators for the Irtah check...
10 First Solar
פירסט סולר
NASDAQ USA A US-based global provider of solar based energy equipment. The company designs, manufactures and sells Photovoltaic (PV) solar mo...
11 Green is us
ירוק זה אנחנו
Private Israel The company is a manufacturer and supplier of solar systems. In partnership with Enerpoint Israel, the company invested more than ...
12 Hagihon Company Ltd. – Jerusalem Area's Water and Wastewater Utility
חברת הגיחון
Private Israel Hagihon provides wastewater management to illegal Israeli settlements, appropriates Palestinian wastewater and natural resources, ...
13 Hai Dolev Holdings Ltd.
חי דולב החזקות בע״מ
Private Israel a private Israeli company specialized in planning and carrying out drilling projects.  In June 2019, the presence of compa...
14 Herrenknecht
Private Germany Herrenknecht is a supplier of technology solutions in mechanized tunneling for tunnel infrastructure, as well as for underground e...
15 JA Solar Holdings
NASDAQ China JA solar Holdings is a Chinese corporation that designs, develops, manufactures and sells solar power products for residential, co...
16 Kardan NV
TASE, Euronext Netherlands A Netherlands-based investment group active in the sectors of real estate, water infrastructure and financial services. Company...
17 Lesico Group
לסיכו בע"מ
TASE Israel Lesico is a publicly traded Israeli company that specializes in construction projects and maintaining infrastructure systems in th...
18 M.G.A. Energy Solutions
מ.ג.א. פתרונות אנרגיה בע"מ
Private Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory Installs and establishes electricity power stations. The company provided its services as an engineering and constructor at the...
19 Mey Eden (Eden Springs)
מי עדן
Private, Subsidiary of Public Israel Mey Eden Ltd. is an Israeli bottled mineral water marketing company that extracts and distributes mineral water. Mey Eden is pa...
20 Nextcom Group
קבוצת נקסטקום
TASE Israel A publicly traded Israeli company specializing in communication infrastructure, renewable energy, security and civil engineering. ...