Tools of Dispossession in the Naqab - Virtual Launch Event

Virtual launch event of Who Profits' interactive map Tools of Dispossession in the Naqab: Development & Military Projects,  held on 9 January 2022, with Dr. Mansour Nassasra and Riya Al'Sanah.

Resistance to an afforestation initiative carried by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) – a quasi-state body – with the support of the Israeli authorities, bought attention to ongoing processes of dispossession and forced displacement of Palestinian Bedouins in the Naqab region.

Dr. Mansour Nassasra, a senior lecturer at Ben Gurion University and the author of; The Naqab Bedouins: A Century of Politics and Resistance, situated current events within a broader historical process of dispossession and resistance to it. He also addressed the Naqab’s strategic and geopolitical importance, and shed light on particular strategies which led to the systematic de-development of the Naqab’s Palestinians.

Riya Al’Sanah, from Who Profits', introduced the recently published interactive map which highlights different projects currently being advanced in the Naqab by the Israeli government which serve to uproot Palestinians from their land. Riya also addressed Israel’s policy to advance the Judaization of the Naqab. See the full event here: