This flash report investigates four commercial wind farm projects currently under development in the occupied Syrian Golan, exposing the involvement of the private sector in their construction and operation.
In this flash report, Who Profits investigates plans to build new wind farms in the occupied Golan. It shows that these plans are part of a strategy to greenwash the occupation of the Syrian Golan. Whilst portrayed as a positive endeavor to provide clean and economic energy, producing wind energy in the Golan is a ruse to further expand Israel's control and presence in the region, whilst disregarding the Syrian community's rights over its own resources.
This flash report details four commercial wind farm projects currently under development in the occupied Syrian Golan. These projects are al-A’saniya; Valley of Tears; Ruach Beresheet; Clean Wind Energy (ARAN) Farm. For each farm we expose the involvement of international and Israeli companies which include, Energix Group and General Electric, among others.
These wind farm projects exploit Syrian lands and provide services to illegal Israeli settlements. This constitutes a violation of IHL and is directly connected to Israel's policies of de-development and exploitation in the Golan. Moreover, private corporations, supported by the Israeli government, are set to reap immense profits from wind energy projects in the occupied Syrian Golan.