This company feature introduces IBM, one of the biggest technology companies in the world, and its current significant involvements in Israeli security and military apparatus, mainly by facilitating Israel’s pervasive surveillance of occupied populations. Through its two fully owned Israeli subsidiaries, IBM is complicit in Israel’s Military-Industrial Complex, and in providing services, equipment and technology to Israeli settlements and Israel Police.
On this interactive map, Who Profits highlights several ongoing developmental and military projects in their various stages of implementation, illustrating how Israel’s long-standing policies to Judaize and industrialize serve to dispossess the Naqab’s Palestinian Bedouin inhabitants. Click here to see the full map
Netafim positions itself as a global leader in sustainable agriculture, while in reality, the company profits from Israel’s ongoing occupation. Through the provision of irrigation technologies and know-how to illegal Israeli agricultural settlements, the company enhances the structures of land grab and de-development of Palestinian and Syrian lands. In addition, Netafim generates profits from the commercialization of military knowledge developed in the context of the Israeli occupation.
تتناول هذه الورقة البحثية الرد العسكري والأمني الاسرائيلي على وباء الكورونا، وتم عرضها خلال مؤتمر مركز مدى الكرمل السنوي ونشرها في كتيب صادر عن المركز بعنوان "الفلسطينيون في اسرائيل: مقاربات سياسية واجتماعية بين جائحة الكورونا والانتفاضة (؟) الراهنة" الصادر في عام 2021.
قمنا بتنظيم أول لقاء عام في حيفا بتاريخ 21 أيار 2021، بمشاركة د. ابراهيم الشقاقي، وهو بروفيسور مساعد في كلية "ترينيتي" في الولايات المتحدّة. تمحوّر اللقاء حول مساهمة الاقتصاد السياسي كعدسة تحليلية في فهمنا للمنظومة الإسرائيلية الاستعمارية On 21 June 2021 Who Profits held its first public meeting in Haifa, with Dr. Ibrahim Shikaki, an assistant professor at Trinity College, USA, on the contribution of a political-economic lens to the analysis of Israeli settler colonialism.
This flash report sheds light on Israel’s cybersecurity industry, including the role of the military and military industries, government agencies and academic institutions in the production and marketing of cyber technologies, and examines the ways cyber is mobilized by the state to enhance Israel’s political power and export repression, focusing on the UAE as a case study.
في هذا التقرير، نُسلّط الضوء على الصناعة السايبريانية الاسرائيلية، يشمل دور الجيش والصناعات العكسرية، والاجسام الحكومية والمؤسسات الاكاديمية في خلق وتسويق المعدات السايبريانية التكنولوجية، ونبحث في الطرق التي يتم بها تفعيل السايبر من قبل الحكومة من اجل تعزيز قوّة اسرائيل السياسية وتسويق القمع، من خلال التركيز على الامارات كحالة.
This flash report focuses on five large scale transport infrastructure projects in East Jerusalem currently at various stages of development, and exposes the private corporations involved in their implementation. These projects are part and parcel of a broader Israeli strategy to promote the economic and spatial integration of the West Bank in terms of dispossession, segregation and control.