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Company Name Traded In Main Headquarters Description
1 Achdut Factory for Tahini Halva and Sweets (Achdut-Achva)
אחדות בית חרושת לטחינה חלבה וממתקים בע"מ (אחדות-אחוה)
Private Occupied Palestinian Territory A private Israeli food manufacturer. The company specializes in the production of sesame products: Tahini, Halva and bakery produc...
2 Ackerstein Industries
אקרשטיין תעשיות
Private Israel The Israel-based company manufactures paving stones, concrete walls, roof tiles and other products for the construction industry. ...
3 Airbnb, Inc.
NASDAQ USA A publicly traded American company operating an online vacation rental platform. The company offers listings in over 220 countries...
4 Almog C.D.A.Y
אלמוג כ.ד.א.י.
Private Israel A private Israeli development and construction company. The company constructed Almog Center, a commercial center in the settle...
5 Amisragas, American Israeli Gas Crop.
אמישראגז - החברה האמריקאית הישראלית לגז
Private Israel Gas manufacturer and supplier. The company operates branches in the settlements of Ariel and Kiryat Arba'a, both located in...
6 Axel Springer
Private, Subsidiary of Public Germany Axel Springer SE is a German media and technology company.  Through its fully owned subsidiary, Aviv Group GmbH, the compa...
7 Bank Otsar HaHayal
בנק אוצר החייל
Private, Subsidiary of Public Israel A commercial bank. The bank provides loans and financial services to local and regional authorities of settlements and to Israe...
Subsidiary of Public Netherlands B.V. is one of the world’s leading digital travel companies based in the Netherlands. The company is fully owned...
9 Burger Ranch (Orgad HSN)
בורגר ראנץ' (אורגד ח.ש.ן)
Private Israel An Israeli fast-food chain. The company operates branches in the settlements of Maale Adumim and Ariel in the West Bank, a bran...
10 Cafe Cafe
קפה קפה
Private Israel A chain of Café- restaurants The company operates branches in the following settlements in the West Bank: Almog, Jordan ...
11 Castro Model
קסטרו מודל בע"מ
Israel Castro Model Ltd. is a fashion retailer and chain operator based in Israel. Through its subsidiaries, the group is engaged in t...
12 Cellcom Israel
סלקום ישראל בע"מ
TASE Israel Cellcom is a public Israeli telecommunication company traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol CEL. As of ...
13 Clal Insurance Enterprises Holdings Limited
כלל החזקות עסקי ביטוח בע"מ
TASE Israel A publicly-traded Israeli company active in the fields of insurance, pensions and finances. Financing construction on occupied ...
14 Delek Israel Fuel Company Ltd.
דלק חברת הדלק הישראלית בע"מ
Private Israel A private Israeli Company founded in 1951, active in the field of gas and fuel. The company operates fuel and service stations and...
15 Discount Bank
בנק דיסקונט
TASE Israel An Israeli commercial bank. Israeli construction on occupied land:  In 2021, Discount Bank granted the company Shitrit ...
16 Doma Marketing for Building & Training ltd.
דומא שיווק לבנין ומסחר בע"מ
Private Occupied Palestinian Territory A manufacturer, importer and distributor of construction products. Doma’s facilities are located in Ariel settlement indu...
17 Dona Engineering and Construction
דונה חברה לבנין והנדסה
Private Israel A private Israeli construction and development company that initiates and carries out housing projects in settlements in the occup...
18 Eastlink Lanker
Public Limited UK A public UK-based international investment company engaged in the import and export of metal and industrial equipment. The comp...
19 Efgad Engineering and Construction Works
אפגד חברה לעבודות הנדסה ובנין
Private Israel A development and construction firm. The company constructed housing projects in the settlement of Ariel in the occupied West...
20 Einav Ahets
עינב-החץ (1965) בע"מ
Private Israel A private Israeli development and roads construction company. The company executes and has completed multiple infrastructure proje...