Ackerstein Industries

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אקרשטיין תעשיות

The Israel-based company manufactures paving stones, concrete walls, roof tiles and other products for the construction industry.

The company was involved in the construction of the "Ansar" detention for Southern Lebanese prisoners, and providing safety equipment for Israeli soldiers. During the second intifada, Ackerstein Industries constructed hundreds of pillboxes in the West Bank and Gaza for the use of the Israeli army.

The company provided concrete slabs for the construction of the separation wall, that were used for 50% of the wall's route and was also involved in construction work in the settlements of Anatot, Beit Horon, and Ariel, and in road 505 in the West Bank. In addition, company pavement blocks were documented in Qalandiya checkpoint.

The company has been involved in the construction of Israeli army bases and military dormitories in the Naqab.