Kotler Adika Building Company

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קוטלר עדיקא חברה לבניה

A private Israeli construction and development company. Kotler Adika is involved in numerous construction and infrastructure projects in West Bank and East Jerusalem settlements.

On 2 February 2014, the company won a tender of NIS 6.9 million, with development expenses of NIS 12.6 million, to build 48 housing units on an area of 7,325 m2 in southwest Ma'aleh Adumim.

The project is built in the framework of Local Outline Plan 420/1/16/4/1, which refers to the land of the Palestinian villages Al-Azariya and Abu-Dis. It is accompanied by the Mizrahi-Tefahot bank.

The company carried out construction on an area of 2,268m2 in the Mishor Adumim Industrial Zone in the Maale Adumim settlement. The Mercantile Discount bank extended credit for the project. Kotler Adika is building 94 housing units on an area of 6,610 m2 in the southwest of the Ramat Shlomo settlement neighborhood in East Jerusalem. The project is executed under a tender of NIS 10,844, with development expenses NIS 34.75 million, awarded to the company on 28 December 2015.

The company is also conducting infrastructure work in the area, which include the construction of Road 21, connecting the neighborhoods in northeastern Jerusalem with the villages and settlements around it. Road 21 starts at the Ramot Alon settlement neighborhood via Road 9 - which is connected to Highway 1 and Highway 50 - passes through Ramat Shlomo and connects the settlement neighborhood to Road 20 (formerly the Hizma Road) near Pisgat Ze'ev. According to the Moriah Jerusalem Development Company, the new road will "provide easy access to the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood and establish access to neighborhoods that will be built in the future.

" The Mizrahi-Tefahot bank accompanies the residential project in Ramat Shlomo. It also extends credit for the infrastructure work, holding a specific collateral on the contract signed between Kotler Adika and the Moriah Jerusalem Development Company for public infrastructure works in the area. In 2009, The company won a tender of NIS 4.1 million, with development expenses of NIS 4.8 million, to build 26 housing units on an area of 6,518m2 in Pisgat Zeev.

The project was accompanied by the Mizrahi-Tefahot bank. Kotler Adika built several projects in the Beitar Illit settlement in the framework of Local Outline Plan 426/8 for west Beitar Illit. The plan, approved in 2003, refers to the land of the Palestinian villages Wadi Fukin, Husan and Nahhalin. Construction in Beitar Illit was also accompanied by the Mizrahi-Tefahot bank. The company has also executed projects in the Efrat and Givat Zeev settlements and in Har Homa, a settlement neighborhood in East Jerusalem.

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