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1- Bank Leumi
בנק לאומי לישראל בע"מ

Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M. is an Israeli commercial bank that provides a variety of banking and financial services. Bank Leumi p...

2- Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems Inc. is an American multinational tech giant, which designs and sells technologies that power the internet. The Comp...

3- Electra
אלקטרה בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli company active in the fields of real estate, infrastructure development, facility management, and electr...

4- Israel Discount Bank
בנק דיסקונט לישראל בע"מ

An Israeli commercial bank that provides a variety of banking services and controls the Mercantile Bank. The bank offers bank...

5- Merkavim Transportation Technologies
מרכבים טכנולוגיות תחבורה בע"מ

A private Israeli bus manufacturer. The company develops, designs and manufactures different bus models including shielded buses a...

6- Mitsubishi Motors Corporation

A publicly traded Japanese corporation that designs, develops and manufactures motor vehicles. Mitsubishi vehicles are used by ...

7- Mizrahi Tefahot Bank
בנק מזרחי טפחות בע"מ

An Israeli commercial bank that provides various banking and mortgage services to private and business sectors. The bank provides ...

8- Orad
אורד בע"מ

A Public Israeli company, Provider of integration services for security, safety & Homeland Security such as Intruder Movement ...

9- Partner Communications (formerly Orange)
פרטנר תקשורת (לשעבר אורנג')

A publicly traded Israeli Telecommunication Company providing Cellular, Telephone, Internet services, and selling electricity for ...