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Company Name Traded In Main Headquarters Description
1 AdaFresh
אדאפרש החזקות
Private Israel A private Israeli exporter of agricultural, including certified organic, produce. The company has a fully owned subsidiary in t...
2 Adama
SZSE China A publicly traded China-based global crop protection company. Crop protection products manufactured by the company’s Isra...
3 Amir Marketing and Investments in Agriculture
עמיר שיווק והשקעות בחקלאות בע"מ
TASE Israel A publicly traded Israeli company that supplies, imports and markets agricultural products, and manufactures food blends for Farm ...
4 Compost Or
קומפוסט אור
Private Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory A private Israeli company specializing in the development, management and operation of waste recycling plants. Compost Or opera...
5 ICL Group Ltd.
קבוצת כיל בע"מ
TASE, Public, NYSE Israel An Israel-based global specialty minerals and chemicals company active in the agriculture, energy, industrial, AgTech, Health and ...
6 Reshef Security
רשף ביטחון
Private, Subsidiary of Public Israel A private Israeli provider of electronic surveillance and physical security services. The company holds an estimated 5% of the Isr...
7 Rivulis Irrigation
ריווליס השקיה בע"מ
Private Israel A private Israeli global provider of micro irrigation solutions. The company’s irrigation equipment has been documented i...