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Search Results: Jordan Valley
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Company Name Traded In Main Headquarters Description
21 Deshen Hatzafon – Production and Marketing of Fertilizer
דשן הצפון - אגודה חקלאית שיתופית בע"מ
Cooperative Israel An Israeli agricultural cooperative that manufactures and markets fertilizers. One of the seven cooperatives that own Deshen Ha...
22 E.P.R. Systems
אי. פי. אר. מערכות
Private Occupied Palestinian Territory A developer of information and financial systems. The company is located in the settlement of Eli in the occupied West Bank. ...
23 Eastern Lines
נתיבי המזרח
Private Occupied Palestinian Territory A logistics company specializing in the transporting of fruits and vegetables. The company is located in the settlement of Tome...
24 Egged Israel Transport Cooperative Society
אגד אגודה שתופית לתחבורה בישראל
Cooperative Israel A public transportation operator. Until 2017, the parent company operated bus lines to Israeli settlements in the occupied West ba...
25 Electra
אלקטרה בע"מ
TASE Israel A publicly traded Israeli company active in the fields of real estate, infrastructure development, facility management, and electr...
26 Electra Afikim
אלקטרה אפיקים בע"מ
Subsidiary of Public Israel A private Israeli transportation operator, holding concessions for major public transport routes and serving institutional and pri...
27 Enerpoint Israel
אינרפוינט ישראל
Private Israel The company provides consultancy, marketing, planning and construction services for solar systems. In collaboration with Green ...
28 Fassi
Private Italy Private Italian manufacturer of cranes. On 5 July 2017, a Fassi manufactured crane was documented during the confiscation of so...
29 Field Produce
תנובות שדה ומטע בע"מ
Private, Subsidiary of Public Israel A private Israeli company specializing in procurement from growers, treatment, processing, sorting, and packing of peanuts, dates,...
30 First Solar
פירסט סולר
NASDAQ USA A US-based global provider of solar based energy equipment. The company designs, manufactures and sells Photovoltaic (PV) solar mo...
31 G1 Secure Solutions (formerly G4S Israel)
ג'י וואן פתרונות אבטחה בע"מ
TASE Israel A publicly traded Israeli provider of human security and electronic security services and technologies. The company was formerl...
32 Gadot Agro (Merhav Agro)
גדות אגרו (מרחב אגרו)
Private Israel A private Israeli company that imports, distributes, develops, manufactures, and exports crop protection products, biotechnology s...
33 Galnor Building and Development Co.
גלנור בינוי ופיתוח בע״מ
Private Israel A private Israeli construction and development company that carries out projects in the fields of residential, commercial, infrast...
34 Gat Fertilizers
גת דשנים
Private Israel A private Israeli company specializing in the manufacturing and marketing of fertilizers. In June 2019, company products were d...
35 Genesis Land Dates/N.S Water and maintenance services
תמרים מארץ בראשית/נ.ש שירותי מים ואחזקה
Private Occupied Palestinian Territory A water service company which also grows dates. The company is located in the settlement of Ma’ale Efraim in th...
36 Green is us
ירוק זה אנחנו
Private Israel The company is a manufacturer and supplier of solar systems. In partnership with Enerpoint Israel, the company invested more than ...
37 Greennet Recycling and Waste Treatment
גרין נט מחזור וטיפול בפסולת בע"מ
Private Occupied Palestinian Territory A private Israeli company that established and operates a waste management facility in the Atarot Industrial Zone in occupied East...
38 Group 5 Security (Tzevet 5)
צוות 5 אבטחה בע"מ
Private Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory A private Israeli company that provides security and guarding services. The company provides security services to Israeli settl...
39 Habika Cooling (Nativ Hagdud)
(קירור הבקעה (נתיב הגדוד
Private Occupied Palestinian Territory The company specializes in the construction and maintenance of freezing works. The company is located in the settlement of Neti...
40 Hadiklaim - Israel Date Growers Cooperative
הדקלאים אגודה שיתופית חקלאית מרכזית בע"מ
Cooperative Israel Founded in 1982, Hadiklaim Date Grower's Cooperative is Israel's largest date producer and exporter of organic and non-org...