The company is a private Israeli company that specializes in the planning, engineering, management and execution of projects in fields such as security, cyber security, infrastructures & technologies, consulting & research, software, instruction, operation & infrastructures.
The company is involved in the provision of security services for settlements in the occupied West Bank, including: Ariel, Alfei Menashe, Jordan Valley Regional Council, Elkana, Giva't Ze'ev, Har Hebron, Karnei Shomron, Binyamin, Atarot, Beitar Illit and Maaleh Adumim. In addition, the company provided security services for Katzrin settlement and Golan Regional Council in the occupied Syrian Golan. These services are part of the “safe city” (City without Violence) project of the Israeli Ministry of Public Safety.
In 2015, the company implemented its "safe city" project in occupied East Jerusalem for Israel Police. Its involvement included defining the technological solutions for police requirements in East Jerusalem and linking all sites to the region's main control center.
The company has implemented a similar project in the Seam Zone, the area of the occupied West Bank annexed by the Wall, and around the Gaza strip. The "safe city" projects includes "stationary, mobile, passive and active sensors, permanently installed throughout the municipal territory or installed on mobile platforms or deployed according to a specific need for the purpose of collecting current, real-time information at specific sites and regarding specific activities."
Additionally, Tandu provides security services around the besieged Gaza Strip for the Israeli army as well as security and communications services for the Israeli Ministry of Defense at checkpoints along the Annexation Wall and at an IMOD internment facility. The company has also carried out numerous projects for Israel Police and Israel Prison Services, including the planning of interrogation rooms and electronic security systems.