This flash-report exposes the role of private digital tourism corporations in promoting tourism to settlements, falsely advertising them as being located in Israel and normalizing their illegal presence on occupied Palestinian and Syrian land.
In this flash report, Who Profits investigates the role of the Jerusalem light rail train in the consolidation of the Israeli settlement enterprise in occupied East Jerusalem, exposing in particular the critical involvement of international and Israeli corporations in the planning and execution of the project.
The Tel Aviv Jerusalem Fast Train, also known as the A1 train, is one of the most extensive infrastructure projects that the Israeli government has undertaken in the last decades. The project was initiated in 2001 and has been under planning and construction ever since, costing over NIS 8.5 billion (USD 2.4 billion). The A1 train route crosses the Green Line into the occupied West Bank in two areas, using occupied Palestinian land, some of it privately owned, for an Israeli transportation project aimed exclusively for Israelis. The overall plan includes what would be the longest and highest bridges and tunnels. This extensive project could not have materialized without foreign investment and know how of major multinationals. The following flash report exposes the involvement of the major companies that execute the A1 project, describing their involvement in this controversial project as well as their other occupation-related activities.
In this flash report, Who Profits presents six waste and recycling management companies that operate facilities in the occupied West Bank. These companies enjoy an environmentally-friendly and clean image while exploiting Palestinian natural resources, taking advantage of the area's lax environmental regulations and creating pollution in the West Bank.
In this update, Who Profits looks at the reality of the Palestinian market as a captive market, cemented by the Paris Protocol, the economic annex of the Oslo Accords, through a case study of the Palestinian Mushroom Initiative. This case study will expose a dauntless economic model of resistance while revealing Israel’s relentless strangulation of the Palestinian economy, through licensing impediments, security checks, and the massive fees and taxes incurred through the process of exporting raw materials, among other difficulties.
يُقدّم هذا التّقرير الموجز تحليلًا اقتصاديًّا وسياسيًّا مُعمَّقًا لسوق منتجات الألبان الإسرائيليّة، ويشدّ انتباه القارئ نحو تورّط شركات إسرائيليّة عينيّة في اقتصاد الاحتلال. عدا عن تورّط كلّ شركة مبيّنة في ما يلي على حدة، فإنّ جميع الشّركات تجني الأرباح بواسطة استغلال السّوق الفلسطينيّة الأسيرة واستخدامها كمصدر دخل أساسيّ. يتّخذ هذا التّقرير من سوق الألبان الإسرائيليّة مثالًا ليفسّر بالتّفصيل تأثير هذا الخنق الاقتصاديّ على السّوق الفلسطينيّة. ويُقدّم التّقرير أيضًا شركة "تنوفا"، وهي إحدى أكبر الشّركات في صناعة الألبان والأغذية الإسرائيليّة، كمثال فرديّ. من خلال أبحاث أجراها مركز "من يربح" في مكاتبه وفي الميدان، فقد حصل على أدلّة مُقنعة على أنّ "تنوفا" تستخدم في منتجات ألبانها موادّ خامًا من مزارع ألبان تقع في المستوطنات الإسرائيليّة في الضّفّة الغربيّة المُحتلّة (شاهدوا أشرطة الفيديو أدناه). تقوم "تنوفا" بهذه النّشاطات على الرّغم من الحظر الذي صدر مؤخّرًا عن الاتّحاد الأوروبّي - الذي أُعلن عنه في شباط 2014 (رابط خارجي)، والذي بدأ تنفيذه ابتداءً من كانون الثّاني 2015 - على منتجات حيوانيّة مصدرها من المستوطنات الإسرائيليّة.
This flash report presents an in-depth economic and political analysis of the Israeli dairy market while drawing special attention to the complicity of specific Israeli corporations in the economy of occupation. In addition to the outlined involvement of each corporation below, all corporations mentioned in this report reap profits by exploiting the Palestinian captive market and using it as a major source of income. By taking the Israeli dairy market as an example, this report explains in detail the effects of this economic strangulation of the Palestinian market. Tnuva, one of the biggest corporations in the Israeli dairy and food industry, is presented in this report as an important case study. Through Who Profits' desk and field research, compelling proof was obtained that Tnuva uses raw material for its dairy products from Israeli settlement dairy farms in the occupied West Bank (See videos below). Tnuva's corporate activity is taking place despite the recent EU ban on animal products from Israeli settlements, which was declared in February 2014 and became enforceable as of January 2015. This report is also available in Arabic.
During the summer of 2014, unmanned aerial vehicles and surveillance balloons secured the route of the Jerusalem Light Rail (JLR) around the clock. For many years, the JLR was portrayed as an island of coexistence in a divided city. However, in reality, Israeli and international security companies are involved in the formation of a new surveillance apparatus around the light rail.