September 2018

Israeli High Court of Justice Legalizes the Exploitation of Natural Resources in the OPT

The Coalition of Women for Peace Newsletter - concerning the Israeli High Court of Justice decision On Monday, December 26, regarding the legality of the use of natural resources extracted by 11 quarry and mining companies in the occupied West Bank.

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February 2017

فطرٌ خالٍ من الاحتلال: نموذجٌ للمقاومة الاقتصاديّة

في هذا التحديث، يبحث مشروع "من يربح من الاحتلال" مبادرة زراعة الفطر الفلسطينيّة، وينظر من خلالها إلى واقع السوق الفلسطينيّ باعتباره سوقًا أسيرًا، وهي حالة يرسّخها الملحق الاقتصاديّ لاتفاقيّة أوسلو- بروتوكول باريس. تستعرض هذه الدراسة نموذجًا للمقاومة الاقتصاديّة، بينما تكشف أساليب التضييق الشرسة ضدّ الاقتصاد الفلسطينيّ، من مراكمة العقبات في مسار ترخيص المُنتجات، والتفتيش الأمنيّ، الضرائب والرسوم الباهظة والمكثّفة التي تُفرض على كل عمليّة تصدير للمواد الخام، وغيرها صعوبات كثيرة أخرى.

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December 2016

Keter Plastic Ends its Activity in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

On November 2016, Who Profits obtained visual evidence strongly suggesting that Keter no longer operates in the occupied West Bank.

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November 2016

The Israeli Exploitation of Palestinian Natural Resources: Part IV

Since its occupation of the West Bank in 1967, Israel has systematically exploited the resources of the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea area more intensively than elsewhere in the West Bank. Israel has controlled the area’s major tourist sites and natural resources, including its minerals, fertile land, and water sources. As Who Profits' report revealed in 2012, Ahava has been exploiting Palestinian natural resources by operating a mud excavation site in the occupied territory, on the shores of the Dead Sea, since 2004. In this update, Who Profits examines the latest information regarding the activities of Ahava in the occupied Dead Sea.

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November 2016

House Demolition in the Syrian Golan

Since 1967, Israel has demolished more than 28,000 Palestinian houses, public buildings and private commercial properties in the occupied Palestinian territory. This massive, man-made destruction is not a side effect of the occupation but a fundamental element in its control mechanism. The 7th of September, 2016, marked the first demolition in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights. In this update, Who Profits looks at the massive role of Hyundai Heavy Industries in house demolitions in the occupied Syrian and Palestinian territories, as well as the ways in which this company has been profiting from this mechanism of the Israeli occupation.

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November 2016

The Israeli Exploitation of Palestinian Natural Resources: Part III

As part of the series on the Israeli Exploitation of Palestinian Natural Resources, this update discusses the involvement of the Ashtrom Group in the occupied Palestinian territory. The Ashtrom Group is one of the largest construction and real estate companies in Israel. Through its many subsidiaries, the group operates in the fields of construction, infrastructure, development, industry, property income and housing services. The Ashtrom Group has a long history of operations in the occupied territory, including construction and infrastructure projects on occupied land and systemic exploitation of Palestinian natural resources.

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November 2016

Caterpillar Imports of Bulldozers to the Israeli Army Is on Hold

Who Profits has recently learned that Caterpillar’s contracts with the Israeli Ministry of Defense for the supply of its heavy machinery have not been renewed in the last three years since August 2013.  

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November 2016

The Israeli Exploitation of Palestinian Natural Resources: Part II

As part of the series on the Israeli Exploitation of Palestinian Natural Resources, this update discusses the illegal mining activities of HeidelbergCement. Through its subsidiary Hanson Israel, the company owns and operates four plants in illegal settlements in the West Bank, which brings the company immense profits with the full support of the Israeli Civil Administration.

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