January 2015

تورّط شركة نيشِر في الاحتلال

تربح شركة "نيشِر" بالفعل من الاحتلال، وذلك بواسطة توفير منتجات الإسمنت إلى المستوطنات الإسرائيليّة غير القانونيّة، وجدار الفصل العنصري ومشاريع أخرى تتعلّق بالاحتلال. يأتي ذلك بالإضافة إلى احتكارها سوقَي الإسمنت الفلسطينيّة والإسرائيليّة.

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January 2015

في صيانة نظام بيزيل حتّى نهاية العام 2015 HP سوف تستمرّ شركة

تم تجدبد عقد شركة HP مع وزارة الدّفاع الإسرائيليّة لصيانة نظام "بيزيل" للقياس الحيويّ (البيومتري) في حواجز الضّفة الغربيّة وغزّة حتّى نهاية العام 2015.

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January 2015

تحديث بخصوص شركات الحافلات المتورّطة في الاحتلال الإسرائيلي

في شهر تشرين الثّاني 2014، أطلق وزير المواصلات الإسرائيليّ خطوط حافلات مُنفصلة للفلسطينيّين. لدى شركة الحافلات الإسرائيليّة التي تشغّل هذه الخطوط، أفيكيم، سياسة فصل عنصري رسميّة وهي تسهّل وتعزّز ممارسة هذه السّياسة في الأراضي الفلسطينيّة.

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December 2014

Update on Bus Companies Involved in the Israeli Occupation

As of last month it is unlawful for Palestinian workers to use Israeli bus lines, which travel across the occupied West Bank to the settlement of Ariel. Instead, they will have to stop at the Eyal checkpoint, miles away from their homes, and then continue on segregated bus lines to their jobs. In their returning journey they will have to commute from the checkpoint to their homes on their own. In November 2014, the Israeli Ministry of Transportation introduced separate bus lines for Palestinians. Afikim, the Israeli company operating these bus lines, has been holding an official segregation policy, facilitating, and promoting its enforcement on Palestinian land.

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November 2014

HP Will Continue Maintaining the Basel System Until the End of 2015

HP is contracted by the Israeli Ministry of defense to maintain the Basel biometric system in West Bank and Gaza checkpoints until the end of 2015.

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November 2014

Elbit Systems' Complicity in the Assault on Gaza 2014

Over the summer months of 2014, Elbit has reaped an unprecedented profit and made large increase in its sales. This increase coincided with the brutal Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2014 in addition to the Israeli military campaign of June 2014 in the West Bank. Due to its lethal performance in Gaza, the company has earned an international reputation, which helped seal additional contracts with other countries and their respective militaries around the world.

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November 2014

Nesher’s Involvement in the Occupation

Nesher does indeed profit from the occupation through providing its cement products to the illegal Israeli settlements, the apartheid wall and other occupation related projects. This is in addition to the monopoly it holds over the Palestinian and Israeli cement markets

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October 2014

An Updated List of Israeli Quarries in the West Bank

The following update includes information regarding nine Israeli quarries, which are active in the West Bank and profit from the exploitation of Palestinian natural resources.

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