What is HPE's Current Involvement in the Israeli Occupation Industry?

In this update, Who Profits sheds light on the new developments concerning HPE's involvement in the Israeli occupation. Our findings reveal that the Aviv system is being phased out and replaced with a different system developed by the American public company IBM. However, HPE remains involved in the occupation through contracts with the Israeli Police and Israeli Prison Service.

Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (hereafter: HPE) is an American multinational information technology provider specializing in the manufacturing and marketing of storage and server hardware.

The Israeli Population Registry, the Aviv system, for which HPE provided servers, is currently being phased out. However, the company retains contracts with the Israeli Prison Authority, the Israeli Police, and the Israeli Ministry of Interior.

The Aviv system is phased out

In a response to an FOI submitted by Who Profits on April 7, 2021, the Israeli Population and Immigration Authority confirmed that the Aviv System, to which HPE provided Itanium servers, is gradually being phased out and will be terminated in the coming years.

The Aviv System: the computerization system for Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority, includes the Yesha database (Hebrew acronym for the West Bank and Gaza), which contains information on Israeli citizens residing in the settlements.

The system was formerly operated by the now-defunct Hewlett Packard (HP) Company and is gradually being replaced by the Eitan System, which is operated by the public American technology company IBM.[1]

Services to Israel’s Prison Service and the Israeli Police

Since 2015, HPE has been providing servers, data storage and data security services for the Israel Prison Service. In 2020, the company was awarded a NIS 1 million contract for the provision of computer and communication maintenance for the Israel Prison Service for the year 2021-2022.[2]

In 2017, HPE was awarded a NIS 366,000 contract for the maintenance of VC systems for the Israeli police. In 2018, the company was awarded another contract to maintain servers for Israel’s police until 2021. In 2021, the company was awarded yet another contract worth NIS 4 million to maintain servers for Israel’s police until 2023.[3]

Services to the Israeli Ministry of Interior

In 2008, HP was contracted by the Israeli Ministry of Interior to supply equipment and biometric ID cards for Israel’s biometric documentation project, a contract worth NIS 230 million. [4] In 2014, the contract with HP was extended until 2025 and has already amounted to over NIS 223 million worth of contracts for HPE and DXC Technology.[5]

In 2016, HPE was contracted to supply its services to Israel's biometric documentation project, a contract worth over NIS 31 million.[6] In 2019 HPE was again contracted to provide servers, data storage and data security services for the Israeli Ministry of Interior’s biometric database[7] and to provide equipment maintenance to the Ministry of Interior’s data center until 2021.[8]

Company history and previous involvement 

HPE was founded in November 2015, following the split of Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) into two independent companies: Hewlett Packard Inc. (HPI), and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). HPI is the legal successor of HP and retained HP's old consumer-facing PCs and printers’ business, while HPE was formed from the old HP’s enterprise product and business divisions, focusing on servers, storage, cloud, and software services. [9]

In 2017, HPE’s Enterprise Services division merged with Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) and formed DXC Technology, a public, American multinational corporation that provides business-to-business information technology services.[10]

Following the split, HP's occupation-related contracts were retained by HPE and DXC Technology. Who Profits outlined this process and retained contracts in a 2017 update: What We Know About HP So Far.

For HPE’s full company profile visit:


[1] According to the response to a Freedom of Information request submitted by Who Profits in April 2021.

[2] Tenders with Who Profits

[3] Tenders with Who Profits

[4] Lilian, Niv. Why is the maintenance of the biometric database handed over to HP? (Hebrew) Israel Hayom, May 12, 2019.

[5] Goichman, Rafaella. Why does the state pay 6.5 times more for an ID card than for a new driver's license? (Hebrew) The Marker, March 18, 2018

[6] With the approval of the Accountant General: Continued engagement of the Population Authority with HPE Israel for the purpose of mailing biometric identity cards (Hebrew) Read It Now, March 28, 2016

[7] Lilian, Niv. Why is the maintenance of the biometric database handed over to HP? (Hebrew) Israel Hayom, May 12, 2019.

[8] Tender with Who Profits

[9] McCallion, Jane. Everything you need to know about HPE IT Pro., October 1, 2021

[10] Press Release, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Completes Spin-off and Merger of its Enterprise Services Business with CSC, April 3, 2017