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Search B.V. is one of the world’s leading digital travel companies based in the Netherlands. The company is fully owned...
A private Israeli company specializing in procurement from growers, treatment, processing, sorting, and packing of peanuts, dates,...
IBM, International Business Machines Corporation, is an American multinational technology corporation, one of the world&rsquo...
JC Bamford Excavators Limited (JCB) is a British multinational manufacturer of equipment for construction, agriculture, waste hand...
The company is the largest furniture manufacturer, with the biggest global reach in the sector. The company owns seven manufacturi...
A Spanish company that provides international freight transport, distribution and other logistics services. Jerusalem Light Rai...
A publicly traded German multinational technology conglomerate focused on automation and digitalization in the manufacturing indus...
A US-based manufacturer of firearms. Ruger rifles are used by the Israeli army to attack Palestinian protestors. These rifles, ...