Tnufa Transportation Solutions

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תנופה פתרונות תחבורה בע"מ

A private company operating public transportation lines in Israel.

The company was founded in 2020 after winning a tender to operate public transportation in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem area.

In 2020, Tnufa won a tender to operate public transportation in the Shomron (Samaria) area in the occupied West Bank, as part of the Israeli Ministry of Transportation’s plan to increase public transportation services in the Shomron area by tens of percent.

According to the tender the company is to operate 85 urban and regional lines, 17 of which are new lines, which are expected to increase the frequency of travel on the lines by 30%.

Company’s lines operate between and serve the settlements of the Shomron Regional Council, Kedumim, Karnei Shomron, Beit Aryeh-Ofarim, Alfei Menashe, Emanuel, Elkana, Oranit and Ariel, as well as additional lines connecting between the settlements and major cities within the Green Line. The lines are operated by more than 260 buses, including bulletproof buses.

Since 2021, Tnufa operate public transportation lines in the “Jerusalem Corridor” area. Several of company’s lines connect the settlements of Modi’in Illit, Har Adar, Mevo Horon and Ramot settlement neighborhood in East Jerusalem to Jerusalem and other cities within the Green Line in the area. Company lines also serve Ofer military base.

In 2021, Mizrahi Tefahot Bank gave NIS 0.5 billion to the company, for a period of ten years, for the purpose of financing the two public transportation clusters in the Shomron and Jerusalem corridor.