Head office: 430, rue de l'Aubinière BP 10249, 44158 Ancenis Cedex, France Tel +33240091011
A French-based company that provides handling, lifting and earthmoving solutions.
Company cranes have been used in the construction and maintenance of the separation wall in the occupied West Bank.
Major shareholders: Braud and Himsworth families (64.4%); Yanmar (6.2%); stock market and other (25.8%).
President and CEO: Michel Denis
Group's main subsidiaries: Manitou Americas Inc (100%); Manitou Italia (100%); Manitou UK Ltd (99.4%); Manitou Deutschland GMBH (100%); Manitou Benelux SA (100%). The company operates 20 other subsidiaries worldwide.
The company's sole distributor in Israel is the private company David Czapnik & Sons, which is a supplier to the Israeli Ministry of Defense.
* This section refers to the company's general business partners