Europe: Hermina Maier GmbH, Solgrow, Graines Voltz, HeMa Handelsvertretung GmbH & CO KG, Aromapflanzen, Graines Voltz, Sahin Nurseries Ltd., Plantana S.R.O, Gasa Youngplants, Gasa Group, SeedCom, Koroisten Puutarha Oy, Podere Luen, A.S. Blomsteringen Engros, Plantpol Zaborze, Tsvetochnye Kultury OOO, SEEDSTAR spol. s r.o., Hörnhems AB, Wyss, VRTKO d.o.o..
USA & Canada: Ball Horticultural Company, BFG Supply, Eason Horticul Resources, Inc., Express Seed, Foremostco Inc., Gloeckner & Co., Griffin, Grimes Horticulture, McHutchison, Henry F.Michell's, M&M Plant Sales Inc., Vaughan's Horticulture, JVK, Nicolas Zyromski.
Japan: Kaneya Co.
* This section refers to the company's general business partners