In-Depth Reports
April 2014

Forbidden Fruit

A new report by Who Profits maps the involvement of the Israeli wine industry in the occupation of the West Bank and the Syrian Golan Heights and traces some of the ways in which it masks this involvement. For this purpose, this report surveys the Israeli wine industry, maps the vineyards and wineries in the occupied territory and traces the connections between the main Israeli wine producers and this settlement industry. Our report demonstrates that all of the major Israeli wineries use grapes from occupied territory in their wines.

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July 2012

Captive Economy

This report describes the involvement of Israeli and multinational pharmaceutical industries in the occupation. As the pharmaceutical industry is a highly globalized arena, the report reveals some of the ways in which Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands offers opportunities to exploit the captive Palestinian market. Concurrently, the report describes the development of a vibrant but struggling Palestinian industry. For the vast majority of the Palestinian population, this situation generates higher prices of basic health products, which is especially troubling in light of the fact that the economic situation continues to deteriorate.

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Ahava: Tracking the Trade Trail of Settlement Products
April 2012


This report investigates the business and trade of Ahava – Dead Sea Laboratories which is a private Israeli cosmetics corporation that operates from the occupied West Bank. The report shows that Ahava extracts the mud from occupied Palestinian territory, thereby exploiting Palestinian natural resources.

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December 2011

Technologies of Control

In the report about Hewlett Packard's direct involvement in the occupation, the company is used as a case study to discuss the role of international and local corporations in Israel's mechanisms of surveillance and control over the occupied Palestinian territories.

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March 2011

The Case of G4S

This report takes a close look at the activity of "G4S Israel" as a case study for the private security companies which are taking an active part in sustaining the occupation. These companies operate in the oPt, taking over some of the tasks that were traditionally executed by the Israeli security forces.

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January 2011

Production in Settlements

Using SodaStream as a case study, a new report  by Who Profits discusses key issues in industrial production in illegal West Bank settlements. SodaStream is a manufacturer of home beverage carbonating devices, whose main production site is in the West Bank Settlement of the Mishor Edomin Industrial Zone. The report provides an extensive overview, including the identity of the manufacturers, employment conditions, land confiscation and trade in settlement products.

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October 2010

Crossing the Line

A new railway line is being built between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, unlawfully crossing into the occupied Palestinian territory in two areas, at a great cost to Palestinian communities. European companies are involved in the planning and construction of the new train line.

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October 2010

Financing the Israeli Occupation

This report is about the direct Involvement of Israeli Banks in Illegal Israeli Settlement Activity and Control over the Palestinian Banking Market. Israeli banks provide the financial infrastructure for all activities of companies, governmental agencies and individuals in the continuing occupation of Palestine and the Syrian Golan Heights.

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