All Publications
July 2018

Signal Strength: Occupied

As this flash report demonstrates, all major Israeli telecommunications providers are commercially involved in the Israeli occupation.

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May 2018

Plundering the Sun

This report comes as a follow up to two reports published by Who Profits in 2017: “Greenwashing the Israeli Occupation: The Solar Energy Industry and the Israeli Occupation” and the flash report “Greenwashing the Naqab: The Israeli Industry of Solar Energy”. Here we shed light on how, while the Israeli solar energy is flourishing on occupied Palestinian land in Area C and in the Naqab,  Palestinian communities in those areas are deliberately marginalized and un-electrified, contributing to a coercive environment that leads to forced displacement.

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March 2018

Forced Displacement

This dynamic online report aims at exposing the various ways in which Israeli and International corporations have been complicit in the Israeli perpetrated forced displacement.

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October 2017

Touring Israeli Settlements

This flash-report exposes the role of private digital tourism corporations in promoting tourism to settlements, falsely advertising them as being located in Israel and normalizing their illegal presence on occupied Palestinian and Syrian land.

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July 2017

Tracking Annexation

In this flash report, Who Profits investigates the role of the Jerusalem light rail train in the consolidation of the Israeli settlement enterprise in occupied East Jerusalem, exposing in particular the critical involvement of international and Israeli corporations in the planning and execution of the project.

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July 2017

Crossing the Line

The Tel Aviv Jerusalem Fast Train, also known as the A1 train, is one of the most extensive infrastructure projects that the Israeli government has undertaken in the last decades. The project was initiated in 2001 and has been under planning and construction ever since, costing over NIS 8.5 billion (USD 2.4 billion). The A1 train route crosses the Green Line into the occupied West Bank in two areas, using occupied Palestinian land, some of it privately owned, for an Israeli transportation project aimed exclusively for Israelis. The overall plan includes what would be the longest and highest bridges and tunnels. This extensive project could not have materialized without foreign investment and know how of major multinationals. The following flash report exposes the involvement of the major companies that execute the A1 project, describing their involvement in this controversial project as well as their other occupation-related activities.

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May 2017

Occupational Hazards

In this flash report, Who Profits presents six waste and recycling management companies that operate facilities in the occupied West Bank. These companies enjoy an environmentally-friendly and clean image while exploiting Palestinian natural resources, taking advantage of the area's lax environmental regulations and creating pollution in the West Bank.

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February 2017

فطرٌ خالٍ من الاحتلال: نموذجٌ للمقاومة الاقتصاديّة

في هذا التحديث، يبحث مشروع "من يربح من الاحتلال" مبادرة زراعة الفطر الفلسطينيّة، وينظر من خلالها إلى واقع السوق الفلسطينيّ باعتباره سوقًا أسيرًا، وهي حالة يرسّخها الملحق الاقتصاديّ لاتفاقيّة أوسلو- بروتوكول باريس. تستعرض هذه الدراسة نموذجًا للمقاومة الاقتصاديّة، بينما تكشف أساليب التضييق الشرسة ضدّ الاقتصاد الفلسطينيّ، من مراكمة العقبات في مسار ترخيص المُنتجات، والتفتيش الأمنيّ، الضرائب والرسوم الباهظة والمكثّفة التي تُفرض على كل عمليّة تصدير للمواد الخام، وغيرها صعوبات كثيرة أخرى.

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