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February 2016

CRH Exits the Israeli Market

In January 2016, CRH, a multinational manufacturer and distributor of building materials, has finalized the dispossession of its 25% stakes in the Mashav group, the holding company for the sole Israeli cement producer, Nesher Cement.

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Cover of Who Profits' report on Private Security Companies
January 2016

Private Security Companies and the Israeli Occupation

Private security companies in Israel play an active role in the occupation of Palestinian land and control over Palestinian people. Private security guards operate checkpoints and guard settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. These security guards have policing powers, they bear arms and are entitled to use force in performing their duties. In the settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the private security guards, who are hired by the state of Israel to guard the settlements, de facto serve as a private police force that serves the settlers population. The employment of private security guards enables state authorities to provide security services only to the settlers, without acknowledging or meeting the security needs of the Palestinian communities around the settlements. This situation creates an inherent inequality between the Palestinian and the Jewish population in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

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December 2015

The Gendered Aspect of Israeli Checkpoints in the OPT

The following position paper addresses the checkpoint industry in the occupied West Bank as a case study of the integral part played by corporate stakeholders in oppressing Palestinian population and women specifically.

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December 2015

Past Corporate Involvement

Companies that withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territory or end their involvement in the occupation are perceived as companies that are not complicit in the occupation. Yet, construction, infrastructure and mining companies create facts on the ground for years to come, entrenching the Israeli occupation.

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September 2015

Cemex’s New West Bank Policy

After a decade of aggregates mining in the occupied Palestinian territories, Cemex sold its share in the Yatir quarry. However, Cemex factories in the settlement industrial zones of Mevo Horon, Atarot, Mishor Adumim and Katzrin continue to operate as usual.

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September 2015

Removing Veolia Environnement, Transdev and Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) from the Who Profits Database

In August 2015, Veolia Environnement’s subsidiary, Transdev, has sold all of its holdings in the Jerusalem Light Rail (JLR) to a group of Israeli investors. The approval of the deal by the Israeli authorities marked the end of Veolia’s operations in the Israeli market in general, and its involvement in the controversial JLR project in particular. Who Profits Research Center can now confirm that all ownership transfers have been completed; therefore, Veolia Environnement, Transdev and CDC are removed from our database.

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August 2015

Veolia Sells Its Shares in the Jerusalem Light Rail and Completes Withdrawal from the Israeli Market

More than a decade after winning the tender for the construction and operation of the Jerusalem Light Rail (JLR), Veolia Environnement’s subsidiary, Transdev, has sold all of its holdings in the JLR to a group of Israeli investors. The approval of the deal by the Israeli authorities and the completion of the ownership transfer, earlier this month, mark an end to Veolia’s operations in the Israeli market in general and to its involvement in the controversial JLR project in particular.

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July 2015

بلاد الحليب والمال : تورط سوق منتجات الألبان في الاحتلال الاسرائيلي

يُقدّم هذا التّقرير الموجز تحليلًا اقتصاديًّا وسياسيًّا مُعمَّقًا لسوق منتجات الألبان الإسرائيليّة، ويشدّ انتباه القارئ نحو تورّط شركات إسرائيليّة عينيّة في اقتصاد الاحتلال. عدا عن تورّط كلّ شركة مبيّنة في ما يلي على حدة، فإنّ جميع الشّركات تجني الأرباح بواسطة استغلال السّوق الفلسطينيّة الأسيرة واستخدامها كمصدر دخل أساسيّ. يتّخذ هذا التّقرير من سوق الألبان الإسرائيليّة مثالًا ليفسّر بالتّفصيل تأثير هذا الخنق الاقتصاديّ على السّوق الفلسطينيّة. ويُقدّم التّقرير أيضًا شركة "تنوفا"، وهي إحدى أكبر الشّركات في صناعة الألبان والأغذية الإسرائيليّة، كمثال فرديّ. من خلال أبحاث أجراها مركز "من يربح" في مكاتبه وفي الميدان، فقد حصل على أدلّة مُقنعة على أنّ "تنوفا" تستخدم في منتجات ألبانها موادّ خامًا من مزارع ألبان تقع في المستوطنات الإسرائيليّة في الضّفّة الغربيّة المُحتلّة (شاهدوا أشرطة الفيديو أدناه). تقوم "تنوفا" بهذه النّشاطات على الرّغم من الحظر الذي صدر مؤخّرًا عن الاتّحاد الأوروبّي - الذي أُعلن عنه في شباط 2014 (رابط خارجي)، والذي بدأ تنفيذه ابتداءً من كانون الثّاني 2015 - على منتجات حيوانيّة مصدرها من المستوطنات الإسرائيليّة.

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