In this update, Who Profits examines the growing Israeli renewable energy sector, contingent on the exploitation of occupied Palestinian and Syrian land and natural resources. This update highlights the construction and expansion of commercial renewable energy projects in the occupied West Bank, the Syrian Golan, and the Naqab, as part of the Israeli government's decision to increase electricity production from renewable sources until 2030, for the benefit of Israeli households and industry on both sides of the Green Line. This update is a follow-up to Who Profit’s previous reports: Plundering the Sun: The Israeli Solar Energy Industry and Palestinian Forced Displacement; Greenwashing the Golan; Greenwashing the Naqab: The Israeli Industry of Solar Energy; Greenwashing the Occupation: The Solar Energy Industry and the Israeli Occupation
Following Who Profits’ previous publication, Developments in the expansion of the JLR network: The J-Net project, this update presents recent developments and corporate complicity in the further expansion of the Jerusalem Light Rail (JLR) network. In this update, we highlight the JLR Blue Line project, the third and longest main axis of the JLR network, and the involvement of the Spanish infrastructure company, COMSA Corporación.
In this Update, Who Profits scrutinizes the use of commercially-manufactured weapons in Israel's 2023 unprecedented, deadly attack on Gaza, and the companies that supply them to the Israeli military. The indiscriminate military attacks being carried out against the people of besieged Gaza are made possible with the help of Israeli and multinational companies manufacturing and supplying weapons and technology – reaping enormous profits from their complicity with Israel's attacks on Palestinian lives and basic rights. The Update also highlights the new weapons reported to have been used for the first time in Gaza in their inaugural operational deployment.
In this report, Who Profits highlights the role of Mekorot, Israel’s national water company, in facilitating the dispossession and displacement of Palestinian communities on both sides of the Green Line – an embedded dispossession utilized to bolster Israel’s settlement enterprise and economic growth, and contingent on exploiting occupied natural resources and violating Palestinian and Syrian rights.
Big Tech’s Multinational Corporations (MNCs) work to bolster the Israeli occupation economy through the provision of infrastructure, technology, knowledge, and products to both civil and military institutions. Who Profits’ new Dynamic Report centralizes profiles of the Tech MNCs facilitating Israel’s violations of human rights of occupied Palestinian and Syrian communities.
In this update, Who Profits sheds light on Israel’s weaponization of bureaucratic processes to advance its long-standing agendas of illegal settlement expansion and Judaization, while at the same time controlling, concentrating and minimizing the Palestinian presence in Jerusalem. We examine corporate complicity in two prime “bureaucratic-cum-displacement” processes explicitly targeting Palestinians in East Jerusalem – the revocation of the permanent residency status of Palestinian-Jerusalemites and the land registration proceedings.
In this flash report, Who Profits investigates the activities of five major Israeli insurance companies and pension funds - Migdal Insurance and Financial Holdings, Harel Insurance Investments and Financial Services, Clal Insurance Enterprises Holdings Limited, Phoenix Holdings and Menorah Mivtahim Holdings. The findings outlined in this flash report reveal that the five Israeli insurance companies are involved in widespread activities that work to entrench Israel’s prolonged military occupation and processes of colonial dispossession and control.
The Jerusalem Light Rail (JLR) connects large Israeli settlement blocs in occupied East Jerusalem increasing their territorial continuity and easing settler movement, whilst further fragmenting and strangling Jerusalem’s Palestinian neighborhoods. The JLR network is composed of 3 main rail axes - red, green and blue - that are at various stages of development. This infographic highlights developments and corporate complicity in the J-Net project which includes the construction of the operational Red Line, its expansion, and the establishment of the new Green Line. The infographic also illustrates the route of the Blue line which is currently in the tender stages.