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Search Results: erez
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1- Afcon Holdings
אפקון החזקות

The group engages in the design, manufacture, integration and marketing of electro-mechanical and control systems. The company ...

2- Agrotop

A private Israel-based global company specializing in livestock and agro-construction projects. In 2012, Agrotop's parent c...

3- Altice International

Altice international is a multinational group specializing in telecoms, content, media, entertainment, and advertising headquarter...

4- CEIA Costruzioni Elettroniche Industriali Automatismi

A manufacturer of metal detectors and electromagnetic inspection systems. The company also provides training programs and equipmen...

5- E.P.R. Systems
אי. פי. אר. מערכות

A developer of information and financial systems. The company is located in the settlement of Eli in the occupied West Bank. ...

6- Eli Yohanan Engineers
אלי יוחנן מהנדסים

A private Israeli construction and development company. The compnay is involved in constructing housing projects in illegal Isr...

7- Eltal Technologistics
אלטל טכנולוגיסטיקה

Provider of integration and logistic solutions for technological security projects. The company operates and maintains scanning...

8- G1 Secure Solutions (formerly G4S Israel)
ג'י וואן פתרונות אבטחה בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli provider of human security and electronic security services and technologies. The company was formerl...

9- Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (HPE) is an American multinational information technology provider. Hewlett Packard Enterpri...

10- Hot Mobile (formerly: Mirs Communications)
(הוט מובייל (לשעבר מירס תקשורת

An Israeli provider of wireless cellular communication services. Since 2002, Hot Mobile (formerly MIRS), holds an ICA permit to...

11- IBM

IBM, International Business Machines Corporation, is an American multinational technology corporation, one of the world&rsquo...

12- L-3 Communications

Provider of homeland defense products and services. Supplied SafeView magnometric scanners for Gaza's Erez checkpoint throu...

13- Ness A.T
נס א.ט. בע"מ

A private Israeli information systems and technology services company. According to its website, the company provides homeland ...

14- New Way Traffic
דרך חדשה בתנועה

Private Israeli company, New Way Traffic installs traffic safety equipment. The company provides services to settlements in the...

15- Olizki Infrastructure Ltd
אוליצקי תשתיות בע"מ

A private Israeli company specializing in civil and marine engineering, open pit mining, environmental projects, quarrying, real e...

16- Polimil
פולימיל בע"מ

A private Israeli company that provides identification solutions and identification personal and smart cards. The company is pr...

17- White Snow (Sheleg Lavan)
שלג לבן בע"מ

A human resources company which provides cleaning and security services. In 2021 and 2019, the company published a job advertis...