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Search Results: Homa
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1- A. Hezi Building and Investment Co.
א. חזי חברה לבנין והשקעות בע"מ

A private Israeli construction company. A. Hezi Building and Investment is building 36 housing units in Gilo Hillside in the Ea...

2- Africa Israel Investments
אפריקה ישראל להשקעות

A holdings and investment company active in real estate, construction and infrastructure, industry and hotels. The company'...

3- Agrexco Carmel Agricultural Export Company
אגרקסקו כרמל חברה ליצוא חקלאי

A private Israeli exporter of agricultural produce, marketing vegetables, fruits, flowers, propagating materials and herbs. The...

4- Airbnb, Inc.

A publicly traded American company operating an online vacation rental platform. The company offers listings in over 220 countries...

5- Amos Hadar Properties and Investments (Hadar Group)
עמוס הדר נכסים והשקעות (קבוצת הדר)

A construction and real estate group. Its full subsidiary and construction executer, Kir Had, has constructed 11 housing projec...

6- Anglo Saxon Real Estate Agency (Israel 1992)
אנגלו סכסון סוכנות לנכסים (ישראל 1992)

A private Israeli network of real estate agencies with 80 branches. The company operates branches in the settlements of Adam (G...

7- Avisror Moshe & Sons
אביסרור משה ובניו

A private Israeli construction and real estate company. The company is involved in two construction projects in Har Homa settle...

8- Axel Springer

Axel Springer SE is a German media and technology company.  Through its fully owned subsidiary, Aviv Group GmbH, the compa...

9- B. Yair Building Corporation
ב.יאיר- קבוצת בנייה ויזמות בארץ ובחו

The company specializes in the construction, development, design and marketing of real estate projects. In the occupied West Ba...

10- Ben Security
בן בטחון

A private Israeli provider of technological and physical security services. The company provides security services to settlemen...

11- CIM Lustigman
קים לוסטיגמן ייזום ובניה

A private Israeli real estate and construction company. The company is involved in several construction projects in settlement ...

12- Clal Industries
כלל תעשיות

A large private Israeli investment company with holdings in heavy industry, biotechnology, hi-tech and energy companies. Throug...

13- Dalia Eliaspor Building Contracting Co. 1972
דליה אליאספור חברה קבלנית לבניה 1972

A private Israeli construction company. The company was involved in construction projects in the following settlements in occup...

14- Danya Cebus
דניה סיבוס בע"מ

Public Israeli company Danya Cebus is one of the largest construction and infrastructure companies in Israel. The company speciali...

15- David Ackerstein Ltd.
דוד אקרשטיין בע"מ

A provider of management, planning and supervisory services in civil engineering, transportation, construction and infrastructure ...

16- Dona Engineering and Construction
דונה חברה לבנין והנדסה

A private Israeli construction and development company that initiates and carries out housing projects in settlements in the occup...

17- eDreams ODIEGO

*Who Profits contacted the company, in case of a response, the company profile will be updated accordingly. eDream ODIEGO S.A i...

18- Efgad Engineering and Construction Works
אפגד חברה לעבודות הנדסה ובנין

A development and construction firm. The company constructed housing projects in the settlement of Ariel in the occupied West...

19- Electra
אלקטרה בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli company active in the fields of real estate, infrastructure development, facility management, and electr...

20- Euro Israel (I.S.)
יורו ישראל (י.ש.)

A private Israeli construction company. The company is involved in a construction project in Naveh Yaacov settlement neighborho...