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Search Results: West Bank
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161- HaShomrim Guarding and Security Group Company (S.B. Shmira Ubitahon)
חברת קבוצת השומרים שמירה ובטחון (ש.ב. שמירה וביטחון)

A private Israeli security company. The company operates the Allenby border crossing in the occupied Jordan valley for the Isra...

162- Hasid Brothers Building Contracting Co. Ltd
אחים חסיד חברה קבלנית לבניה בע"מ

A private Israeli construction company. The company builds residential and commercial projects in West Bank and East Jerusalem set...

163- HD Hyundai

HD Hyundai Co. is a Korea-based holding company engaged in the fields of Construction Machinery, Oil Refinery, Electric and Electr...

164- Heidelberg Materials (formerly HeidelbergCement)

Heidelberg Materials, formerly known as HeidelbergCement, is a German multinational building materials company. The company produc...

165- Herzel Bibi - Nitsat HaDuvdevan
הרצל ביבי - ניצת הדובדבן

An Israeli chain of health food stores. The company operates branches in the settlements of Gush Etzion and Ariel in the West Bank...

166- Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (HPE) is an American multinational information technology provider. Hewlett Packard Enterpri...

167- Hidromek

A private Turkish company that manufactures and markets hydraulic work machines. Machinery manufactured by the company was used...

168- Hishtil
חישתיל בע"מ

A global nursery corporation that specializes in the production and sales of vegetables, herbs, seedlings, flowers and young plant...

169- Hitachi

A publicly traded Japanese electronics corporation operating in the fields of infrastructure, medical and industrial equipment, co...

170- HOS Technology R&D
ח.א.ש. טכנולוגיה מחקר ופיתוח בע"מ

HOS specializes in engineering & mechanical design, electrical engineering and the design of vehicles for military modificatio...

171- Hot Mobile (formerly: Mirs Communications)
(הוט מובייל (לשעבר מירס תקשורת

An Israeli provider of wireless cellular communication services. Since 2002, Hot Mobile (formerly MIRS), holds an ICA permit to...

172- Hot Telecommunication Systems
הוט מערכות תקשורת בע

A private Israeli provider of cable television, broadband Internet access, landline telephone services and telecommunication servi...

173- Human Safety Company for Accidents Investigation & Prevention (Bitihut Enosh)
בטיחות אנוש החברה לחקירת תאונות ומניעתן

Between 2013 and 2015, the Israeli National Insurance (Israel's national social security agency) contracted the company and Mo...

174- I.R.P.C. Rubber Products Co.
איי. אר. פי. סי. מוצרי גומי ישראלים

An Israeli manufacturer of rubber products for the automotive industry. The company operates a factory in Barkan I.Z in the occ...

175- IBM

IBM, International Business Machines Corporation, is an American multinational technology corporation, one of the world&rsquo...

176- ICL Group Ltd.
קבוצת כיל בע"מ

An Israel-based global specialty minerals and chemicals company active in the agriculture, energy, industrial, AgTech, Health and ...

177- Impresa Pizzarotti & C
אימפרזה פיזארוטי

An Italian construction firm. The company joined Shapir Civil and Marine engineering (Israel) as a contractor forming a jo...

178- Isra Marin Manufacture of Structures 3000
ישרא מרין יצור מבנים 3000

Manufactures prefabs, containers and modular constructions. Structures of the company were seen in several military checkpoints th...

179- Israel Discount Bank
בנק דיסקונט לישראל בע"מ

An Israeli commercial bank that provides a variety of banking services and controls the Mercantile Bank. The bank offers bank...

180- Itzkin Eyal Architects
איצקין איל אדריכלים

An architecture firm. The company has been planning various construction projects in dozens of settlements. Up until December 2...