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121- Olenik Transportation Earth Work and Road Constructions
אולניק חברה להובלה עבודות עפר וכבישים

A private Israeli civil engineering, construction, development and waste recycling company. In 2004, the company was among the ...

122- Olizki Infrastructure Ltd
אוליצקי תשתיות בע"מ

A private Israeli company specializing in civil and marine engineering, open pit mining, environmental projects, quarrying, real e...

123- One Software Technologies
וואן טכנולוגיות תוכנה בע"מ

The company’s subsidiary One Security Computing Projects Division, an authorized supplier to the Israeli Ministry of Defense...

124- Orad
אורד בע"מ

A Public Israeli company, Provider of integration services for security, safety & Homeland Security such as Intruder Movement ...

125- Orkal Industries and Mechanization
אורקל תעשיות ומיכון

A private Israeli provider of generators and energy supply solutions. Orkal generators were documented at Qalandiya (Ataro...

126- Oshkosh Corporation

Oshkosh Corporation (formerly Oshkosh Truck) is an American industrial company that designs and builds specialty trucks, military ...

127- OSI Systems

A publicly traded US-based designer and manufacturer of specialized electronic systems and components for critical applications ac...

128- P.L.H. Lighting Engineering
פ.ל.ה הנדסת תאורה

A private Israeli manufacturer of street lighting poles and antenna poles for communication infrastructure. The company has pro...

129- Peretz Sela Civil Engineering
פרץ סלע הנדסה אזרחית

A private Israeli company specializing in road construction. The company has been involved in the construction of two sections ...

130- Phoenicia America-Israel (Flat Glass)
פניציה אמריקה-ישראל (זכוכית שטוחה)

A private Israeli company that manufactures glass products. Phoenicia is the largest manufacturer and provider of glass in the ...

131- Polimil
פולימיל בע"מ

A private Israeli company that provides identification solutions and identification personal and smart cards. The company is pr...

132- Rad-Bynet
קבוצת רד-בינת

The Rad Bynet Group consists of over 20 companies specializing in data communication technologies, computerization and telecommuni...

133- Ral Electric Holdings (formerly: Adir Electric Boards)
(רל אלקטריק אחזקות (לשעבר אדיר - לוחות חשמל

A private Israeli company specializing in electric boards and the installation of electric systems. The company provided electr...

134- Rapiscan Systems

Rapiscan Systems is a wholly-owned subsidiary of OSI Systems. It manufactures baggage and cargo inspection systems, baggage screen...

135- Readymix Industries Israel
תעשיות רדימיקס ישראל בע"מ

Producer and supplier of raw materials for the construction industry. Readymix operates a branch for the sale of ready-mixed co...

136- Reshef Security
רשף ביטחון

A private Israeli provider of electronic surveillance and physical security services. The company holds an estimated 5% of the Isr...

137- Roboteam
רובו-טים דיפנס בע"מ

A private Israeli company, developer and manufacturer of combat robots. Subsidiary of Elbit Systems.  ROBOTEAM was founded...

138- RT LTA Systems
ארטי לטא מערכות בע"מ

A private Israeli company that manufactures aerostats and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance balloons. RT’s ch...

139- Schwing

A private German manufacturer of concrete machinery. Concrete pump vehicles of the company were documented in the construction ...

140- Shamrad Electronics
שמרד אלקטרוניקה (1977) בע"מ

Shamrad Electronics (1977) Ltd. is a private Israeli manufacturer of security and control systems, CCTV cameras, specialized audio...