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Search Results: West Bank
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81- Comodan Far East

A private Israeli importer and exporter of raw materials, products and services from China and the establishment of Joint Ventures...

82- Compost Or
קומפוסט אור

A private Israeli company specializing in the development, management and operation of waste recycling plants. Compost Or opera...

83- Contact International (Kalia Israel Ammunition Co.)
קונטקט אינטרנשיונל - קליע ישראל

Supplier of new and used military equipment, including arms, ammunition, weapon spare parts, personal equipment, armored...

84- Controp Precision Technologies
קונטרופ טכנולוגיות מדויקות בע"מ

A privately owned Israeli company that specializes in the development and production of electro-optical and precision motion contr...

85- Covenant Group
קובננט גרופ

A  holding group of companies specializing mainly in engineering and civil engineering. Through its subsidiary Shachaf Has...

86- D.N. Kol Gader
ד.נ. כל גדר

A private Israeli company specializing in security fences for airports and seaports, defense industries, power stations, nuclear p...

87- Dalia Eliaspor Building Contracting Co. 1972
דליה אליאספור חברה קבלנית לבניה 1972

A private Israeli construction company. The company was involved in construction projects in the following settlements in occup...

88- Dan Pri Export and International Trade
דאן פרי יצוא וסחר בינלאומי

A private Israeli exporter of agricultural produce to Russia. The company’s boxes were spotted in Tomer and Na’aran...

89- Danya Cebus
דניה סיבוס בע"מ

Public Israeli company Danya Cebus is one of the largest construction and infrastructure companies in Israel. The company speciali...

90- David Ackerstein Ltd.
דוד אקרשטיין בע"מ

A provider of management, planning and supervisory services in civil engineering, transportation, construction and infrastructure ...

91- DefenSoft

A homeland security company that develops software solutions for security systems. DefenSoft's primary product, the Lighthouse...

92- Delek Israel Fuel Company Ltd.
דלק חברת הדלק הישראלית בע"מ

A private Israeli Company founded in 1951, active in the field of gas and fuel. The company operates fuel and service stations and...

93- Delta Galil Industries
דלתא גליל תעשיות

A publicly traded Israeli corporation that manufactures and markets clothes globally. Through its partially-owned subsidiary (8...

94- Deshen Hatzafon – Production and Marketing of Fertilizer
דשן הצפון - אגודה חקלאית שיתופית בע"מ

An Israeli agricultural cooperative that manufactures and markets fertilizers. One of the seven cooperatives that own Deshen Ha...

95- Dexcel Pharma Technologies
דקסל פארמה טכנולוגיות

An international research-based pharmaceutical company, specializing in products for the treatment of gastroenterological, ca...

96- DJI - DaJiang Innovation Technology Company

DJI is a private Chinese company and the world’s top UAV seller, controlling two thirds of the global market. The company sp...

97- Doma Marketing for Building & Training ltd.
דומא שיווק לבנין ומסחר בע"מ

A manufacturer, importer and distributor of construction products. Doma’s facilities are located in Ariel settlement indu...

98- Dona Engineering and Construction
דונה חברה לבנין והנדסה

A private Israeli construction and development company that initiates and carries out housing projects in settlements in the occup...

99- Dor Alon Energy Israel (1988) Ltd.
דור אלון אנרגיה בישראל (1988) בע"מ

A public Israeli gas and petroleum company. The company is engaged in the development, establishment and operation of gas stations...

100- E.P.R. Systems
אי. פי. אר. מערכות

A developer of information and financial systems. The company is located in the settlement of Eli in the occupied West Bank. ...