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Search Results: East Jerusalem
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61- Electra
אלקטרה בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli company active in the fields of real estate, infrastructure development, facility management, and electr...

62- Electra Afikim (formerly Afikim)
אלקטרה אפיקים בע"מ

A private Israeli transportation operator, holding concessions for major public transport routes and serving institutional and pri...

63- Eli Yohanan Engineers
אלי יוחנן מהנדסים

A private Israeli construction and development company. The compnay is involved in constructing housing projects in illegal Isr...

64- English Cake
אינגליש קייק

An Israeli bakery chain. The company operates branches in Gush Etzion settlement in the occupied West Bank. In occupied East...

65- ENI Advanced Security Solutions
אי. אן. איי. פתרונות אבטחה מתקדמים

The company provides security services to the public and private sectors. The company won a tender issued by the Shomron region...

66- Euro Israel (I.S.)
יורו ישראל (י.ש.)

A private Israeli construction company. The company is involved in a construction project in Naveh Yaacov settlement neighborho...

67- Evron Systems Ltd.
אברון מערכות בע"מ

Evron Systems Ltd. provides solutions in the field of low voltage, advanced communication systems, security systems (including CCT...

68- Expedia Group

Expedia Group Inc is an online travel company operating travel fare aggregators and travel metasearch engines including

69- First International Bank of Israel
הבנק הבינלאומי הראשון לישראל בע"מ

An Israeli bank that provides a variety of banking and financial services. The bank provides financial foundation and services ...

70- Fox-Wizel Ltd. (Fox Group)
פוקס-ויזל בע"מ

Through its subsidiaries, Fox Group operates stores in illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. Fox operates ...

71- G1 Secure Solutions (formerly G4S Israel)
ג'י וואן פתרונות אבטחה בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli provider of human security and electronic security services and technologies. The company was formerl...

72- Gadish Engineering – Yoram Gadish Group
גדיש הנדסה – קבוצת יובל גדיש

Gadish Group is one of Israel’s largest private engineering management company with an annual turnover exceeding 300 million...

73- Galnor Building and Development Co.
גלנור בינוי ופיתוח בע״מ

A private Israeli construction and development company that carries out projects in the fields of residential, commercial, infrast...

74- Galshan Marketing Human Resources Guarding & Security
גלשן שווקים משאבי אנוש, שמירה ואבטחה

A private Israeli security firm. The company provides security services to the settlements of Ma’ale Efraim, Gush Ezion, ...

75- Geoda
גאו-דע- ניהול ומידע מקרקעין ונכסים בע"מ

A private Israeli company specializing in geoinformatics, document digitization and planning and land management. Land Registra...

76- GMV

GMV Innovating Solutions is a privately owned corporate group that provides engineering, development, consultancy and maintenance ...

77- Greennet Recycling and Waste Treatment
גרין נט מחזור וטיפול בפסולת בע"מ

A private Israeli company that established and operates a waste management facility in the Atarot Industrial Zone in occupied East...

78- Groisman Engineering Ltd.
גרויסמן הנדסה בע"מ

An Israeli project management company that provides consulting and management services for projects in fields such as train infras...

79- Hagihon Company Ltd. – Jerusalem Area's Water and Wastewater Utility
חברת הגיחון

Hagihon provides wastewater management to illegal Israeli settlements, appropriates Palestinian wastewater and natural resources, ...

80- Hai Dolev Holdings Ltd.
חי דולב החזקות בע״מ

a private Israeli company specialized in planning and carrying out drilling projects.  In June 2019, the presence of compa...