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41- Meitarim Quarry
קבוצת אורון

The company is active in the field of civil engineering and development. The Group manages several companies and subsidiaries in t...

42- Menorah Mivtahim Holdings
מנורה מבטחים אחזקות בע"מ

A publicly-traded Israeli company operating in the all fields relating to life insurance, pension, general insurance and health in...

43- Migdal Insurance and Financial Holdings
מגדל אחזקות ביטוח ופיננסים בע"מ

A publicly-traded Israeli company operating in the fields of insurance, pensions and financial services. Financing settlement t...

44- Minrav Group
קבוצת מנרב

A group of companies specializing in construction and engineering services, managed by the publicly traded Israeli company Minrav ...

45- Mizrahi Tefahot Bank
בנק מזרחי טפחות

An Israeli commercial bank. The bank accompanies construction projects in settlements constructed on occupied Palestinian terri...

46- Mordechai Aviv Construction Industries
מרדכי אביב תעשיות בניה

A development and construction company. The company constructs several housing projects in settlements in the West Bank, includ...

47- Nextcom Group
קבוצת נקסטקום

A publicly traded Israeli company specializing in communication infrastructure, renewable energy, security and civil engineering. ...

48- One Software Technologies
וואן טכנולוגיות תוכנה בע"מ

The company’s subsidiary One Security Computing Projects Division, an authorized supplier to the Israeli Ministry of Defense...

49- Orad
אורד בע"מ

A Public Israeli company, Provider of integration services for security, safety & Homeland Security such as Intruder Movement ...

50- Oron Group
קבוצת אורון אחזקות והשקעות בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli company active in the fields of civil engineering, infrastructure, real estate and quarrying. Through...

51- Partner Communications (formerly Orange)
פרטנר תקשורת (לשעבר אורנג')

A publicly traded Israeli Telecommunication Company providing Cellular, Telephone, Internet services, and selling electricity for ...

52- Paz Oil Company
פז חברת הנפט בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli energy corporation and supplier of gas and fuel products, and the biggest Israeli gas and energy supplie...

53- Perrigo (Formerly Agis)
(פריגו (לשעבר אגיס

An Ireland-based global healthcare supplier. Perrigo enjoys the advantages generated by the Israeli occupation of Palestinian l...

54- Rami Levi Hashikma Marketing
רשת חנויות רמי לוי שיווק השיקמה

Rami Levy Chain Stores Hashikma Marketing 2006 Ltd. is the third-largest Israeli retail supermarket chain. The company operates a ...

55- Rotshtein Real Estate
רוטשטיין נדל

A public Israeli construction and real estate company. The company was responsible for the construction of Israeli military and go...

56- Shapir Engineering and Industry
שפיר הנדסה ותעשיה בע"מ

A public Israeli company specializing in infrastructure, Franchise, industry and real estate. The company operates the Natuf qu...

57- Shikun & Binui Group
שיכון ובינוי בע”מ

A publicly-traded Israeli infrastructure and real estate company involved in various fields, including infrastructure, real estate...

58- Shufersal
שופרסל בע”מ

Shufersal operates a retail chain of supermarkets and drugstores and an online shopping platform. Through its subsidiaries, the co...

59- Solegreen Ltd.
סולגרין בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli company active in the initiation, development, construction and management of renewable energy projects....

60- Telrad Networks
טלרד נטוורקס

The company operates in the field of communication. It provides solutions in the fields of wireless connection, communication equi...