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Search Results: ramot
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Company Name Traded In Main Headquarters Description
41 Shapir Engineering and Industry
שפיר הנדסה ותעשיה בע"מ
TASE Israel A public Israeli company specializing in infrastructure, Franchise, industry and real estate. The company operates the Natuf qu...
42 Shikun & Binui Group
שיכון ובינוי בע”מ
TASE Israel A publicly-traded Israeli infrastructure and real estate company involved in various fields, including infrastructure, real estate...
43 Shikun Dayarim
שיכון דיירים
Private, Subsidiary of Public Israel The company specializes in the development and construction of residential, commercial, high-tech, industrial and touristic projec...
44 Sonol Israel
סונול ישראל
Private Israel An Israeli energy company that operates more than 230 gas stations. The company operates stations in the following settlements ...
45 Super Pharm (Israel)
סופר פארם
Private Israel An Israeli drug store chain. The company operates branches in the settlement of Maaleh Adumim in the occupied West Bank, and th...
46 Tal El Collection and Recycling
טל אל איסוף ומחזור
Private Occupied Palestinian Territory A private Israeli recycling and waste management company. The company operates a plant in Nitzanei Shalom settlement industrial...
47 The Phoenix Holdings
הפניקס אחזקות
TASE Israel A publicly-traded Israeli company operating in the fields of insurance, managing financial assets, credit loans and other financia...
48 Tnufa Transportation Solutions
תנופה פתרונות תחבורה בע"מ
Private Israel A private company operating public transportation lines in Israel. The company was founded in 2020 after winning a tender to op...
49 Tripadvisor, Inc.
NASDAQ, Public USA A US based publicly traded group that operates online travel agencies, comparison shopping websites, and mobile apps. Company&r...
50 Yehuda Welded Mesh (Yehuda Group)
יהודה רשתות פלדה בע"מ
Private Israel A private Israeli company, producing and providing steel welded mesh, fencing, cutting, bending, and preparation of steel for cons...