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Search Results: barkan
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41- Rolbit Electronic Thermostats and Controllers
רול-ביט בע"מ

The company develops and produces electronic controllers. The company is located in Barkan I.Z, which is a settlement in the oc...

42- Shamir Salads
סלטי שמיר 2006 בע"מ

A private Israeli company that manufactures and distributes pre-packaged chilled salads, dips and spreads. The company's ma...

43- Supergum Industries
סופרגום תעשיות

Establihsed in 1956, Supergum Manufacturere of Rubber & Plastic products, specializes in rubber, sealing and chemical, biologi...

44- Taavura Holdings
תעבורה אחזקות

A large Israeli road haulage and logistics company. The group engages in various types of road haulage, earth moving and mining, c...

45- Tal El Collection and Recycling
טל אל איסוף ומחזור

A private Israeli recycling and waste management company. The company operates a plant in Nitzanei Shalom settlement industrial...

46- Teltone Electronics
טלטון אלקטרוניקה

A private Israeli manufacturer and importer of audio speakers and amplification systems. As at July 2016, the company was locat...

47- Tempo Beverages
טמפו משקאות

A publicly listed Israeli company that manufactures, markets and exports beverages. Tempo Beverages and its subsidiaries are th...

48- Top Greenhouses
טופ חממות

The company manufactures and markets greenhouses. The company is located in Ariel Industrial Zone in the occupied West Bank. ...

49- Unikowsky Maoz
אוניקובסקי מעוז

Importer, marketer and distributer of home, building and gardening products. The company is located in the Barkan industrial zo...

50- Villar International
וילאר אינטרנשיונל בע"מ

Villar International is an Israeli public company that operates in the field of construction, entrepreneurship and real estate. Th...

51- Volvo Group (AB Volvo)

A Swedish-based, multinational public company, which manufactures trucks, buses, construction equipment and marine and industrial ...

52- Y. Zamberg Metal Products
י.זמברג מוצרי מתכת בע"מ

A Private Israeli manufacturer of metal products for product display, logistic centers, furniture and industry. The company&rsq...

53- Yahav Oranit
י.ה.ב. אורנית

A private company that provides security services, armed transportation and training. The company is based in the Ariel settlem...

54- Yehuda Welded Mesh (Yehuda Group)
יהודה רשתות פלדה בע"מ

A private Israeli company, producing and providing steel welded mesh, fencing, cutting, bending, and preparation of steel for cons...

55- Zabar Solar
צבר סולאר בע"מ

A private Israeli Company active in the field of renewable energy, specializing in the development and establishment of solar ener...