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41- Shikun & Binui Group
שיכון ובינוי בע”מ

A publicly-traded Israeli infrastructure and real estate company involved in various fields, including infrastructure, real estate...

42- Shlomo Cohen Construction Company
שלמה כהן חברה לבניין

A private construction company. The company is currently involved in the construction of a new housing project in the settlemen...

43- Shoham Engineering and Development
שוהם הנדסה ופיתוח

A private Israeli company specializing in civil engineering, construction and infrastructure and development work. In February ...

44- Super Pharm (Israel)
סופר פארם

An Israeli drug store chain. The company operates branches in the settlement of Maaleh Adumim in the occupied West Bank, and th...

45- Tahal Group International
קבוצת תהל

A multinational engineering company specializing in water and waste-water systems. Tahal Group International was contracted to ...

46- The Metrontario Group

A private Canadian corporation with investments in the fields of real estate, environmental development, nuclear medicine, marine ...

47- Umm Brothers Construction Works Investment and Development Company
אחים אום חברה לעבודות בנין השקעות ופיתוח

An Israeli owned construction and development company. Umm Brothers is a construction and development company. The company cons...

48- Y.D. Barzani
י.ד. ברזאני בע"מ

A private Israeli construction and development company. Settlement Construction The company carries out construction works ...

49- Z.M.H. Hammerman
צ.מ.ח. המרמן בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli construction and real estate company engaged in the construction and development of residential and comm...