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A publicly-traded Israeli infrastructure and real estate company involved in various fields, including infrastructure, real estate...
A private construction company. The company is currently involved in the construction of a new housing project in the settlemen...
A private Israeli company specializing in civil engineering, construction and infrastructure and development work. In February ...
An Israeli drug store chain. The company operates branches in the settlement of Maaleh Adumim in the occupied West Bank, and th...
A multinational engineering company specializing in water and waste-water systems. Tahal Group International was contracted to ...
A private Canadian corporation with investments in the fields of real estate, environmental development, nuclear medicine, marine ...
An Israeli owned construction and development company. Umm Brothers is a construction and development company. The company cons...
A private Israeli construction and development company. Settlement Construction The company carries out construction works ...
A publicly traded Israeli construction and real estate company engaged in the construction and development of residential and comm...