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41- Lidor Real Estate Marketing
לידור מיתוג בע"מ

A marketing company that specializes in real-estate. The company operates branches in Maaleh Adumim and Anatot settlements. ...

42- M.G.A. Energy Solutions
מ.ג.א. פתרונות אנרגיה בע"מ

Installs and establishes electricity power stations. The company provided its services as an engineering and constructor at the...

43- Meprolight

A manufacturer and supplier of Electro-optical and Optical Sights, Self-illuminated Sights for pistols, shotguns and rifles, Night...

44- Mery Building Works Contracting Company
מרי חברה קבלנית לעבודות בנייה

A private Israeli construction and development company. The company's head office is located in the settlement neighborhood of...

45- Mizrahi Tefahot Bank
בנק מזרחי טפחות

An Israeli commercial bank. The bank accompanies construction projects in settlements constructed on occupied Palestinian terri...

46- Molitan Industries
מוליתן תעשיות

A private Israeli manufacturer of sewing thread. The company operates a factory in Barkan I.Z, a settlement industrial zone in ...

47- N. O. A. Management and Consulting
נ. ע. ה. נהול ויעוץ

A private construction company. The company is located in the settlement neighborhood of Ramot in occupied East Jerusalem. The ...

48- Neetuv Management and Development Co.
ניתוב חברה לניהול ופיתוח

The company is based in Barkan Settlement IZ and is a certified supplier to the Israeli police and the military. The company wa...

49- Ofertex Industries
עופרטקס תעשיות

Ofertext manufactures textile from recycled materials through non-woven stitch bonding and needle techniques. The company&rsquo...

50- Oppenheimer Manufacturing and Marketing
אופנהיימר ייצור ושיווק

Private Israeli manufacturer and exporter of chocolate products and sweets. The company is based in the industrial zone of Atar...

51- Psagot Winery
יקב פסגות בע"מ

A private Israeli winery based in the occupied West Bank. The winery is headquartered in the Sha’ar Binyamin settlement i...

52- Rolbit Electronic Thermostats and Controllers
רול-ביט בע"מ

The company develops and produces electronic controllers. The company is located in Barkan I.Z, which is a settlement in the oc...

53- S.A.G. (Velvel) Building & Development Ltd.
ש.א.ג. (ולול) בניה ופיתוח בע"מ

A private Israeli construction and development company that plans and executes residential, commercial and public construction pro...

54- S.M Valley
ש.מ. הבקעה

Exporter and grower of agricultural produce. The company is located in the Tomer settlement in the occupied Jordan Valley. ...

55- SA.D.R. Construction Works Co.
סא.ד.ר. חברה לעבודות בניין

A development and construction company, based in the settlement of Adam (Geva Binyamin) in the West Bank. The company...

56- Salit HaAdumim Quarry & Stone Processing Plant
סלעית האדומים מחצבה ומפעל לעיבוד אבן

A private Israeli company that manufactures construction materials and executes infrastructure and construction projects. The c...

57- Shachar and Co. Building and Engineering Company Ltd.
שחר שות', חברה להנדסה אזרחית, בניה ותשתיות בע"מ

A private Israeli development and construction company headquartered in the settlement neighborhood of Pisgat Ze'ev, occupied ...

58- Shamir Salads
סלטי שמיר 2006 בע"מ

A private Israeli company that manufactures and distributes pre-packaged chilled salads, dips and spreads. The company's ma...

59- Shilo Winery
יקב שילה

A private Israeli winery based in the industrial zone of the settlement of Shiloh in the occupied West Bank. The winery sources...

60- Susya Dairy
מחלבות סוסיא

A private Israeli settlement-based company that operates a goat dairy farm and produces cheese under the brand "Halav Haaretz...