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41- D.N. Kol Gader
ד.נ. כל גדר

A private Israeli company specializing in security fences for airports and seaports, defense industries, power stations, nuclear p...

42- Danya Cebus
דניה סיבוס בע"מ

Public Israeli company Danya Cebus is one of the largest construction and infrastructure companies in Israel. The company speciali...

43- DefenSoft

A homeland security company that develops software solutions for security systems. DefenSoft's primary product, the Lighthouse...

44- Dell Technologies

Dell Technologies Inc. is an American multinational technology company. Dell's products include personal computers, servers, s...

45- DJI - DaJiang Innovation Technology Company

DJI is a private Chinese company and the world’s top UAV seller, controlling two thirds of the global market. The company sp...

46- E.T. Legal Services
א.ט. שרותים משפטיים

A private Israeli company which carries out writs of execution, including evictions, seizures and demolitions. The company exec...

47- Efco Equipment
אפקו ציוד

A private Israeli company specializing in marketing, sales and service for mechanical equipment for infrastructure and constructio...

48- El Go Team
אל גו תים

A developer and manufacturer of security gates and access control systems for secured compounds. Vehicle gates and turnstiles o...

49- El-Far Electronics Systems
אל-פר מערכות אלקטרוניקה

El-Far is a manufacturer of fences and perimeter protection systems. According to a company representative, El-Far’s fenc...

50- Elbit Systems
אלביט מערכות בע"מ

An Israel-based international military technology company. Elbit Systems develops and supplies, among others, military aircraft...

51- Electra
אלקטרה בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli company active in the fields of real estate, infrastructure development, facility management, and electr...

52- Eli Yohanan Engineers
אלי יוחנן מהנדסים

A private Israeli construction and development company. The compnay is involved in constructing housing projects in illegal Isr...

53- Eltal Technologistics
אלטל טכנולוגיסטיקה

Provider of integration and logistic solutions for technological security projects. The company operates and maintains scanning...

54- ENI Advanced Security Solutions
אי. אן. איי. פתרונות אבטחה מתקדמים

The company provides security services to the public and private sectors. The company won a tender issued by the Shomron region...

55- Evron Systems Ltd.
אברון מערכות בע"מ

Evron Systems Ltd. provides solutions in the field of low voltage, advanced communication systems, security systems (including CCT...

56- F.K. Generators and Equipment
פ.ק. גנרטורים וציוד

A private Israel-based global supplier of power solutions and power plants. The company supplied generators for the Irtah check...

57- Falcon (WF) Technologies
פלקון (ו.פ.) טכנולוגיות

A private Israeli company specializing in the development, installation and maintenance of command and control systems. The com...

58- Fassi

Private Italian manufacturer of cranes. On 5 July 2017, a Fassi manufactured crane was documented during the confiscation of so...

59- Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company is an American multinational automobile manufacturer. Ford vehicles' chasses are used as armored vehicle...

60- Formula Systems
פורמולה מערכות

A publicly traded Israeli  provider of IT solutions. Traded in TASE and NASDAQ. The company holds a 48.9% stake in Matrix ...