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21- Gadish Engineering – Yoram Gadish Group
גדיש הנדסה – קבוצת יובל גדיש

Gadish Group is one of Israel’s largest private engineering management company with an annual turnover exceeding 300 million...

22- Greenkote Plc (Summet Hitech Coatings)
(גרינקוט (סאמט הייטק ציפויים

Produces advanced metal, alloy and plastics coatings for the automotive, construction, defense weaponry and other industries. T...

23- Group 5 Security (Tzevet 5)
צוות 5 אבטחה בע"מ

A private Israeli company that provides security and guarding services. The company provides security services to Israeli settl...

24- Ha'argaz Technopach Metal Industries
הארגז טכנופח תעשיות מתכת

Manufactures metal equipment and packaging for airborne haulage and electronic casings. Company's products are used for the hi...

25- Hamat Group (formerly: Lipski Plastic)
(קבוצת חמת (בעבר: ליפסקי

Manufactures and distributes bathroom and kitchen products, including: ceramic tiles, sanitary ware and household faucets. Under t...

26- Hanson Israel (formerly: Pioneer Concrete Israel)
(הנסון ישראל (לשעבר: פיוניר קונקריט ישראל

The second largest building materials producer in Israel. The company manufactures ready-mix cement, aggregates and asphalt for th...

27- HD Hyundai

HD Hyundai Co. is a Korea-based holding company engaged in the fields of Construction Machinery, Oil Refinery, Electric and Electr...

28- Heidelberg Materials (formerly HeidelbergCement)

Heidelberg Materials, formerly known as HeidelbergCement, is a German multinational building materials company. The company produc...

29- Herzel Bibi - Nitsat HaDuvdevan
הרצל ביבי - ניצת הדובדבן

An Israeli chain of health food stores. The company operates branches in the settlements of Gush Etzion and Ariel in the West Bank...

30- I.R.P.C. Rubber Products Co.
איי. אר. פי. סי. מוצרי גומי ישראלים

An Israeli manufacturer of rubber products for the automotive industry. The company operates a factory in Barkan I.Z in the occ...

31- Itzkin Eyal Architects
איצקין איל אדריכלים

An architecture firm. The company has been planning various construction projects in dozens of settlements. Up until December 2...

32- JCB (JC Bamford Excavators)

JC Bamford Excavators Limited (JCB) is a British multinational manufacturer of equipment for construction, agriculture, waste hand...

33- JLG Industries

A US-based designer and manufacturer of access equipment. In April 2013, Who Profits research team documented an aerial wo...

34- Keter Plastic (Keter Group)
(כתר פלסטיק (קבוצת כתר

Manufactures and markets plastic furniture, household and garden products. Keter operates a factory in the settlement's i...

35- Kvotzat Mifalei J.Brosh - Brosh Fibers (formerly Ayelet Barkan)
קבוצת מפעלי י.ברוש בע"מ

A private Israeli manufacturer and marketer of carpet yarns. The company is based in the industrial zone of Barkan, locate...

36- Modi'in Ezrachi
מודיעין אזרחי בע"מ

A private Israeli security group that provides security and guarding, armed courier and patrol and surveillance services. The comp...

37- Moked Matara
מוקד מטרה

A private Israeli security and surveillance company. In 2016, the company signed an agreement with the Oranit local settlement ...

38- Molitan Industries
מוליתן תעשיות

A private Israeli manufacturer of sewing thread. The company operates a factory in Barkan I.Z, a settlement industrial zone in ...

39- Neetuv Management and Development Co.
ניתוב חברה לניהול ופיתוח

The company is based in Barkan Settlement IZ and is a certified supplier to the Israeli police and the military. The company wa...

40- Ofertex Industries
עופרטקס תעשיות

Ofertext manufactures textile from recycled materials through non-woven stitch bonding and needle techniques. The company&rsquo...