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Search Results: Homa
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Company Name Traded In Main Headquarters Description
21 Hagihon Company Ltd. – Jerusalem Area's Water and Wastewater Utility
חברת הגיחון
Private Israel Hagihon provides wastewater management to illegal Israeli settlements, appropriates Palestinian wastewater and natural resources, ...
22 Hai Dolev Holdings Ltd.
חי דולב החזקות בע״מ
Private Israel a private Israeli company specialized in planning and carrying out drilling projects.  In June 2019, the presence of compa...
23 Haim Zaken Construction and Investments
חיים זקן בניין והשקעות
Private Israel An Israeli construction and development company predominantly active beyond the Green Line. The company constructed multiple housi...
24 Hapoalim Bank
בנק הפועלים
TASE Israel One of the largest Israeli commercial banks. Financing construction in illegal settlements and settlement infrastructure projec...
25 Hasid Brothers Building Contracting Co. Ltd
אחים חסיד חברה קבלנית לבניה בע"מ
Private Israel A private Israeli construction company. The company builds residential and commercial projects in West Bank and East Jerusalem set...
26 Itzkin Eyal Architects
איצקין איל אדריכלים
Private Israel An architecture firm. The company has been planning various construction projects in dozens of settlements. Up until December 2...
27 JCB (JC Bamford Excavators)
Private UK JC Bamford Excavators Limited (JCB) is a British multinational manufacturer of equipment for construction, agriculture, waste hand...
28 Kardan NV
TASE, Euronext Netherlands A Netherlands-based investment group active in the sectors of real estate, water infrastructure and financial services. Company...
29 Kass Group (Kass – C)
קס גרופ (קאסס – סי בע"מ
Private Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory A private Israeli investment group which carries out real estate, infrastructure and technology projects in Israel, the occupied P...
30 Kotler Adika Building Company
קוטלר עדיקא חברה לבניה
Private Israel A private Israeli construction and development company. Kotler Adika is involved in numerous construction and infrastructure proje...
31 Lidor Real Estate Marketing
לידור מיתוג בע"מ
Private Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory A marketing company that specializes in real-estate. The company operates branches in Maaleh Adumim and Anatot settlements. ...
32 Mei-Tal Engineering and Services
מי-טל הנדסה ושירותים
Private Israel A private Israeli construction company. The company is involved in two construction projects in Har Homa settlement neighborhoo...
33 Mikud Guarding Security Services & Cleaning
מיקוד שמירה אבטחה שירותים ונקיון בע"מ
Private Israel A private Israeli company that provides security, human resources and cleaning and maintenance services. In 2017, the company w...
34 Mishab Building and Development
משהב חברה לשיכון בניין ופיתוח
Private Israel A private construction company mainly for the Jewish religious sector. As part of a contract with the Israeli Civil Administrat...
35 Mizrahi Tefahot Bank
בנק מזרחי טפחות
TASE Israel, Mexico, Occupied Palestinian Territory An Israeli commercial bank. The bank accompanies construction projects in settlements constructed on occupied Palestinian terri...
36 Mordechai Aviv Construction Industries
מרדכי אביב תעשיות בניה
TASE Israel A development and construction company. The company constructs several housing projects in settlements in the West Bank, includ...
37 Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises
נשר מפעלי מלט ישראליים
Private Israel A private Israeli manufacturer and supplier of cement and clinker products for the construction industry. Until September ...
38 Peretz Bonei Hanegev
פרץ בוני הנגב
Private Israel A private Israeli company specializing in construction and real estate. The company built and marketed a residential project in...
39 RE/MAX Holdings
רימקס אחזקות
NYSE USA An American multinational real estate company. The Israeli franchise - RE/MAX Israel, operates a licensed&n...
40 REMAX Israel (Impact Property Developers)
(רימקס ישראל (אימפקט פיתוח נכסים
Private Israel A private Israeli company that holds the Israeli franchise of the global US-based real estate brokerage network RE/MAX. The com...