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21- D. Hay Marketing of Agricultural Product
ד. חי שיווק תוצרת חקלאית

The company markets agricultural produce. The company’s boxes were found in the Na’aran and Tomer settlements’ packing hous...

22- Dan Pri Export and International Trade
דאן פרי יצוא וסחר בינלאומי

A private Israeli exporter of agricultural produce to Russia. The company’s boxes were spotted in Tomer and Na’aran...

23- Deshen Hatzafon – Production and Marketing of Fertilizer
דשן הצפון - אגודה חקלאית שיתופית בע"מ

An Israeli agricultural cooperative that manufactures and markets fertilizers. One of the seven cooperatives that own Deshen Ha...

24- Edom UK
אדום יו.קיי.

An Israeli exporter of agricultural goods. EDOM supplies to several major British supermarkets, including Waitrose and Sainsbury&#...

25- Field Produce
תנובות שדה ומטע בע"מ

A private Israeli company specializing in procurement from growers, treatment, processing, sorting, and packing of peanuts, dates,...

26- Gadot Agro (Merhav Agro)
גדות אגרו (מרחב אגרו)

A private Israeli company that imports, distributes, develops, manufactures, and exports crop protection products, biotechnology s...

27- Gat Fertilizers
גת דשנים

A private Israeli company specializing in the manufacturing and marketing of fertilizers. In June 2019, company products were d...

28- Gat Shomron Winery
יקב גת שומרון

A private Israeli winery based in the settlement of Karnei Shomron in the occupied West Bank. The wines are produced primarily ...

29- Genesis Land Dates/N.S Water and maintenance services
תמרים מארץ בראשית/נ.ש שירותי מים ואחזקה

A water service company which also grows dates. The company is located in the settlement of Ma’ale Efraim in th...

30- Golan Heights Winery
יקבי רמת הגולן

An Israeli winery located in the occupied Syrian Golan. The winery produces, markets and exports wines, and operates a visitor cen...

31- Gush Etzion Winery
יקבי גוש עציון

A settlement winery located in the occupied West Bank. The winery and its vineyards are located in Etzion Bloc settlement in th...

32- Gvaot Olam Farm - Agriculture (Meshek Ran)
חוות גבעות עולם

An organic farm and Israeli outpost near the settlement of Itamar in the northern occupied West Bank. The farm is a one of the ...

33- Hadiklaim - Israel Date Growers Cooperative
הדקלאים אגודה שיתופית חקלאית מרכזית בע"מ

Founded in 1982, Hadiklaim Date Grower's Cooperative is Israel's largest date producer and exporter of organic and non-org...

34- Haifa Chemicals (Haifa Group)
חיפה כימיקלים (קבוצת חיפה)

Haifa Group is a multi-national corporation and a global supplier of specialty plant fertilizers. The company has distributors ...

35- Hamashbir Agriculture
המשביר לחקלאי

A supplier of agricultural equipment. The company operates a branch in the settlement of Tomer in the occupied West Bank. It al...

36- Hishtil
חישתיל בע"מ

A global nursery corporation that specializes in the production and sales of vegetables, herbs, seedlings, flowers and young plant...

37- ICL Group Ltd.
קבוצת כיל בע"מ

An Israel-based global specialty minerals and chemicals company active in the agriculture, energy, industrial, AgTech, Health and ...

38- Jerusalem Winery
יקבי ירושלים – אגודה חקלאית שיתופית בע"מ

Jerusalem Winery - Agricultural Cooperative Association is an Israeli winery based in the Atarot settlement industrial zone i...

39- Jordan River Herbs
תבליני נהר הירדן

Growers and distributors of herbs and organic herbs. The company's farm is located in the settlement of Mehola in the occup...

40- Kedem Hadarim
קדם הדרים

A marketer and exporter of organic and non-organic fruits and vegetables. During a 2012 field tour, Who Profits documented the ...