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21- Nextcom Group
קבוצת נקסטקום

A publicly traded Israeli company specializing in communication infrastructure, renewable energy, security and civil engineering. ...

22- Olenik Transportation Earth Work and Road Constructions
אולניק חברה להובלה עבודות עפר וכבישים

A private Israeli civil engineering, construction, development and waste recycling company. In 2004, the company was among the ...

23- Olizki Infrastructure Ltd
אוליצקי תשתיות בע"מ

A private Israeli company specializing in civil and marine engineering, open pit mining, environmental projects, quarrying, real e...

24- Reshef Security
רשף ביטחון

A private Israeli provider of electronic surveillance and physical security services. The company holds an estimated 5% of the Isr...

25- Villar International
וילאר אינטרנשיונל בע"מ

Villar International is an Israeli public company that operates in the field of construction, entrepreneurship and real estate. Th...

26- Y.D. Barzani
י.ד. ברזאני בע"מ

A private Israeli construction and development company. Settlement Construction The company carries out construction works ...

27- Yaaz Construction & Development
י.ע.ז חברה לבניה ופיתוח

An Israeli construction and development company. The company has been contracted by the Jerusalem Municipality for demolitions....

28- YSB - Ya'acobi Brothers Group
קבוצת אחים יעקובי בע"מ

YSB - the Ya’acobi Brothers Group operates in the fields of construction, infrastructure and green environment. The group sp...

29- Z.M.H. Hammerman
צ.מ.ח. המרמן בע"מ

A publicly traded Israeli construction and real estate company engaged in the construction and development of residential and comm...

30- Zalman Barashi
זלמן בראשי ואחיו

A private Israeli company specializing in the development of infrastructure projects. The company is active in road and bridge con...