Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M. is an Israeli commercial bank that provides a variety of banking and financial services. Bank Leumi p...
A private Israeli construction and infrastructure company. The company was one of the selected contractors that won the Israeli...
Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles S.A is a publicly-traded Spanish company specializing in designing and implementing tra...
A provider of management, planning and supervisory services in civil engineering, transportation, construction and infrastructure ...
A private Israeli construction and development company that initiates and carries out housing projects in settlements in the occup...
A private Israeli construction company. The company is involved in a construction project in Naveh Yaacov settlement neighborho...
Hagihon provides wastewater management to illegal Israeli settlements, appropriates Palestinian wastewater and natural resources, ...
One of the largest commercial banks in Israel. Bank Hapoalim B.M. Group provides a variety of banking and financial services th...
An Israeli commercial bank that provides a variety of banking services and controls the Mercantile Bank. The bank offers bank...
A private Israeli chain of coffee shops. Joe Gourmet Coffee holds branches in Delek gas stations and Menta convenience stores a...
A Netherlands-based investment group active in the sectors of real estate, water infrastructure and financial services. Company...
A private Israeli investment group which carries out real estate, infrastructure and technology projects in Israel, the occupied P...
A public Israeli company active in the field of real estate, construction and infrastructure. The company carried out several i...
A private Israeli development and construction company. Mishkan Eliyahu builds housing and commercial projects in settlements i...
A publicly traded Israeli energy corporation and supplier of gas and fuel products, and the biggest Israeli gas and energy supplie...
Rami Levy Chain Stores Hashikma Marketing 2006 Ltd. is the third-largest Israeli retail supermarket chain. The company operates a ...
A public Israeli construction and real estate company. The company was responsible for the construction of Israeli military and go...
A Spanish company that provides international freight transport, distribution and other logistics services. Jerusalem Light Rai...
Shapir Engineering and Industry is a publicly traded Israeli company engaged in the production and supply of raw materials for con...
The company specializes in the development and construction of residential, commercial, high-tech, industrial and touristic projec...