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Search Results: West Bank
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201- Magalcom
מגלקום בע"מ

A private Israeli company operating in integrative communication, computing and security solutions and services and data security....

202- Malam Team
מלם תים בע"מ

Malam Team is an Israeli IT services group that provides computer services in the field of information technology.   The c...

203- Manitou

A French-based company that provides handling, lifting and earthmoving solutions. Company cranes have been used in the construc...

204- Maoz Daniel
מעוז דניאל

A private Israeli company that specializes in development, planning and construction. The company is involved in a construction...

205- Margolin Bros
אחים מרגולין הנדסה ויעוץ בעמ

A private Israeli engineering and consulting company specializing in project and construction management. 2018-2023, the compan...

206- Matrix IT
מטריקס אי.טי

An Israeli IT Group providing software services and marketing hardware and software products. The company provides services for...

207- Max Bögl Stiftung & Co.

One of the largest construction companies in the German construction industry. On February 2015, the company won a tender ...

208- Mayer Cars & Trucks Co.
"מאיר" חברה למכוניות ומשאיות בע"מ

A private Israeli vehicles and transportation company. The company imports and markets cars, trucks, buses, engines, and heavy mec...

209- MDT Armor

The company develops and provides armored vehicles for military, law enforcement and civilian use worldwide. The company is a k...

210- Medan – Roads and Quarries (1964) LTD
מדן – כבישים ומחצבות (1964) בע"מ

A private Israeli company active in the fields of quarrying and operates asphalt factories and emulsions. The company is a recogni...

211- Mehadrin
מהדרין בע"מ

Mehadrin is Israel’s largest grower and exporter of citrus, avocado, dates, and other fruits and vegetables. The company ...

212- Mei-Tal Engineering and Services
מי-טל הנדסה ושירותים

A private Israeli construction company. The company is involved in two construction projects in Har Homa settlement neighborhoo...

213- Meitarim Quarry
קבוצת אורון

The company is active in the field of civil engineering and development. The Group manages several companies and subsidiaries in t...

214- Merkavim Transportation Technologies
מרכבים טכנולוגיות תחבורה בע"מ

A private Israeli bus manufacturer. The company develops, designs and manufactures different bus models including shielded buses a...

215- Meshek Energy-Renewable Energies
משק אנרגיה-אנרגיות מתחדשות בע"מ

Through its fully owned subsidiary, Meitarim Sun L.P., the company owns the Meitarim Solar Field located in the Meitarim settlemen...

216- Microsoft

An American multinational technology corporation. One of the world’s largest IT companies, developing software products, ser...

217- Mifram Group

A private Israeli company that develops security and defense products. The company provides security equipment to the Israeli a...

218- Mikud Guarding Security Services & Cleaning
מיקוד שמירה אבטחה שירותים ונקיון בע"מ

A private Israeli company that provides security, human resources and cleaning and maintenance services. In 2017, the company w...

219- Minrav Group
קבוצת מנרב בע"מ

A public Israeli company active in the field of real estate, construction and infrastructure. The company carried out several i...

220- Mishab Building and Development
משהב חברה לשיכון בניין ופיתוח

A private construction company mainly for the Jewish religious sector. As part of a contract with the Israeli Civil Administrat...