Meshek Energy-Renewable Energies

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משק אנרגיה-אנרגיות מתחדשות בע"מ

Through its fully owned subsidiary, Meitarim Sun L.P., the company owns the Meitarim Solar Field located in the Meitarim settlement Industrial Zone in South Hebron Hills in the occupied West Bank.

Meitarim  solar field is a photovoltaic project built on 98,749 square meters of occupied Palestinian land with a 5MW capacity. The electricity generated in the solar field is sold to the Israeli Electricity Company (IEC). In 2022, the Meitarim Solar Field generated NIS 1.9 million profit.

Meshek Energy operates three additional solar  projects in the Naqab, including the Hatzrim Solar Field project with 6MW capacity, Har Odem solar field project with 0.44 MW capacity, and Sde Boker Solar Field project with 5MW capacity. For more on renewable energy projects in the Naqab, see Who Profits reports "Greenwashing the Naqab: The Israeli Industry of Solar Energy" and "Tools of Dispossession in the Naqab: Development and Military Projects".